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Capstone Publishers

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

Capstone Publishers is currently a free feature of Alexandria! No product activation codes or licenses are required.

Alexandria proudly partners with Capstone, a publisher of children’s books and digital products, focusing on the educational market. Capstone Publishers offers non-fiction, fiction, picture books, interactive books, audio books, literacy programs, and digital media.

Settings tab
  • Enable Capstone Publishers. When enabled, a Capstone Publishers entry will appear in the Vendors section of the Actions menu located in the Current Item pane of the Circulation window.
  • Vendor URL. Selecting Capstone Publishers from the Vendors section of the Actions menu will take you to the address provided here. The default is:
    • Once at the Capstone Publishers website, log in to your account or peruse their features and resources. If you don't have a Capstone Publishers account yet, contact them to register for one.
Contact tab
  • Under the Contact tab, you may fill out contact information for your Capstone Publishers representative.