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Copies Information Reports

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

Copy Information 

  Textbook Tracker: Textbook Copy Information

Generates a list of copies with varying amounts of information, depending on the chosen format

  • Run this report to get a list of your library's newest items by using the Copies added selection to add a date range.
  • Run this report if you need a list of copies purchased with a particular funding source for a council or committee. Choose Funding Source under the Copies from selection's dropdown menu and type the funding source's name in that selection's text box.

Copy Information report Selections tab


Copy Information report Options tab

Example Reports

Brief format

Detailed format

Brief Landscape format


Copy Status

Generates a list of copies; their current status (Available, Checked Out, Lost, Discarded, In Processing, Library Use, On Order, On Repair, Archived, or Unknown); and patron names, barcodes, and due dates for checked out copies


Run this report to review the status of copies under a certain title in preparation for a class that needs them.


Copy Status Details report Selections tab


Copy Status Details report Options tab

Example Report

Copy Notes

Generates a list of all copies containing copy notes. 


Copy Notes are a great way to keep not just information about the copy, but reminders for yourself ‘to do’ something with that copy. The Copy Notes report generates a list of all the notes you've made for yourself. 



Example Report

Duplicate Barcodes

This report is only available with an add-on.

Get information on duplicate barcodes. We recommend eliminating duplicates as soon as possible. 


This report selects all copy records, sorted by barcode, and shows any duplicate barcodes (within the selected barcode range). 


Reordering Details

Generates ordering information for copies that may need to be replaced or supplemented

If you use specific discard reasons to keep track of what will need to be replaced, use the Discarded Copies report instead.


Run this report at the end of the school year to get all of the necessary information for ordering replacements or additional copies. Select for copies with a Discarded or Lost status. You can also select by a particular book condition.


Example Report

Weeding List by Copy

Generates a list of potential copies to weed based on condition, life to date usage, last use, or publication date


This report is used at the end of the year to identify what potentially needs to be removed from your library. Weeding gives you more shelf space for new materials and raises the average publication year of your collection when you discard outdated items. There are several weeding methods:

  • No usage. Enter 0 through 0 in the Copies with Life to Date Usage of selection.
  • Little usage. To see items checked out fewer than 10 times, enter 0 through 10 in the Copies with Life to Date Usage of selection. In the Options tab, choose to sort by LTD Usage.
  • Copies in poor condition. Choose Used in Poor Condition in the Copies with a Condition of selection dropdown menu.
  • Copies obtained a long time ago. Enter a date range or relative date in the Copies added selection. Note that you are selecting the date you want to see, not the date you don't want to see. For example, to get a Weeding List of books your library has had more than 5 years, you would use the date range of March 1990 (or some earlier date) to March 2016.

Once you decide which items need to be removed, run them through Discard Mode. Then run a Discarded Copies report to make sure you want to permanently removed those items from your library. Finally, run a Remove Discarded Copies utility to remove those items.


Example Report