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Inventory Reports

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

Copies Inventoried

Textbook Tracker

Generates a list of copies that have been inventoried on or after the specified start date

This report shows the last inventory date for each copy. Performing an inventory or checking in (or out) renews this date.


Copies Inventoried report Selections tab


Copies Inventoried report Options tab

Inventory Start Date: Enter an inventory date to get accurate results.

Use Funding Source instead of Copy Location: When checked, the last column in the report will show each copy's funding source rather than the copy location.

Example Report

Copies Not Inventoried

Textbook Tracker

Generates a list of copies that have not been inventoried on or after the specified date

The report shows the last inventory date for each copy. Performing an inventory or checking in (or out) renews this date.


Use this report to see which copies may need to be declared lost after doing an inventory.


Copies Note Inventoried report Options tab

Inventory Start Date: Enter an inventory date to get accurate results.

Use Funding Source instead of Copy Location: When checked, the last column in the report will show each copy's funding source rather than the copy location.

Example Report

Inventory Statistics Summary

Textbook Tracker

Generates statistics showing the total items inventoried, items not inventoried, and lost items inventoried on or after the specified start date

Performing an inventory or checking in (or out) renews an item's inventory date.

Inventory Statistics Summary report Selections tab

Inventory Statistics Summary report Selections tab

Inventory Start Date: Enter an inventory date to get accurate results.

Example Report