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Patrons Account Reports

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

Account Introduction

  Textbook Tracker

Generates informational slips for patrons with their login credentials, library use instructions, account restrictions, library policies, contact information, and other information the librarian wants to give patrons


Print these slips at the beginning of the school year for each patron to give them all the information they need to start using the library.


Account Introduction report's Selections tab


Account Introduction report Options tab

Example Reports

4 Per Page format

Letter format

Account Introduction Report (Email list).pdf

Email format (PDF lists all patrons who received an email)

Email format (example of an email sent to a patron)

The account expiration date will only show if you have account expiration dates enabled in your Patron Preferences.

Patron Details Summary

  Textbook Tracker

Generates Patron Details for each selected patron (a full breakdown of accounts)

Before 20.12, this report was Account Status Summary.

Patron Details includes an account balance, payments, charges, credits, loaned items, lost items, overdues, holds, reservations, and reserved items.


Print this report for patrons and/or their parents regularly so they can remember which items they have, what's overdue and needs to be returned, which items are lost, how much they owe the library, etc. Use the Send Patron Details Email report if you want to email the report to patrons instead.


Account Status Summary report's Selections tab


Account Status Summary report Options tab

Limit to patrons that have transactions: When checked, this limits the listed patrons to those whom have items checked out, on hold, reserved, or owe fines. If you wish to print all patrons, whether they have transactions or not, remove the check.

Example Report

Account Expiring Notice

  Textbook Tracker

Emails patrons whose accounts are expiring in the next 30 days

This report will only work if you have enabled account expiration dates (Preferences > Patrons > Patron Rules > uncheck Disable account expiration dates) and configured your Email Preferences.

Patrons need a valid email address on their record to receive email notifications. Not sure who's missing an email? Run the Patrons with No Email report to get a list.

Learn more about setting up email notices for patrons and librarians.


Create a saved report that's scheduled to automatically run once a month so that patrons are always notified of their cards expiring.


Account Expiring Notice report's Selections tab


Account Expiring Notice report's Options tab

Example Email

This is what the email looks like to patrons:

Patrons Missing Information

  Textbook Tracker

Generates a list of patrons without an email or picture on their record

  • Run this report after importing patron records to see which patrons need to have a primary email address manually added.
  • If you use any email notice reports, run this report to get a list of who's missing a primary email address. Then you can contact those patrons and add an email. Otherwise, they won't receive notices.

Patrons Missing Information report's Selections tab


Patrons Missing Information report's Options tab

Example Reports

Patrons missing Email

Patrons missing Picture

Suspended Patrons

  Textbook Tracker

Generates a list of patrons with a status of Suspended or letters for notifying patrons and parents of the suspension


If you can't charge fines but still want to encourage patrons to return items on time, suspending them and sending out these letters may act as an incentive.


Suspended Patrons report's Selections tab


Suspended Patrons report Options tab

Example Reports

Brief format

Letter format