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Quick Utilities

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Quick Utilities

Operations > Utilities > Quick tab

Quick utilities are basically templates: they do not store custom selection settings and are mainly used once or as a foundation for custom Saved utilities. Any modifications made to a particular utility are discarded immediately upon clicking on another category or utility title. However, if you would like to save the Quick utility you’ve just modified, click Create Saved Utility at the bottom of the Selected Utility pane. After adjusting the default title (optional), your new utility—including custom settings—will be added to the Saved tab.

Utilities are organized in categories. Select a category title to view the list of associated utilities in the Utility Selection pane on the right. You can further narrow your the list of utilities by entering a term in the filter bar. Once you've sufficiently narrowed your filter criteria, scroll through the Utility Selection list to locate and select the specific utility you'd like to view, modify, or run.

The settings in each tab vary per utility.
