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Search Results

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

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Your search results will be listed below the search bar in an order that most closely matches your query. Scroll through your results to find what you're looking for, or use the control bar to sort or refine your results.

Brief results show the item Call Number, Title, Author, Publisher, Medium, Series, Genre, Study Program information, and limited Availability information (e.g. OFFSITE or OUT) for all titles that match your search criteria in the order that they were discovered. To view more information, in the right corner of your item details, click to expand the item details.

  • When your search results are displayed, you can scroll (or swipe) through the list of results.
  • Use the Sort dropdown menu to change how your results are sorted. You can sort by Relevance, Title, Author, Series, Call Number, Rating, or Genre.
  • Search will return up to 100 results per query. If there are more than 100 results available and you haven't found what you're looking for, click Find More to view the additional items.
  • If the item you are looking for isn't readily found in the first set of results, use post-search filters to narrow your results. You can filter by Authors, Awards, Genre, Medium, Series, Years, Subjects, and Stars.

Try a "begins with" search

Smart Search looks for an exact match, but that may not be overly helpful if you're not sure how to spell what you're looking for. If your search query doesn't return any results, click Try a "begins with" search, or add quotes and an asterisk to your query ("term*") and tap enter. For example, "dino*" will look for dino, dinosaur, and everything in between.

Control Bar

Refine your results using the control bar. Some options are only available when the patron is logged in.


Share the selected title. Click the URL or search string to copy it to your clipboard, then paste it into an email, document, or instant message to share it with another patron. That patron can then enter the search string into Search, click the URL, or paste the URL into their browser's address bar to open the item details. The alphanumeric GUID (globally-unique identifier) that appears after the ((savedlist:: query type in the generated URL can be used when composing your own search strings.

If you're logged in, you can also save your search results as a new list so you can come back to it later.


Printing formats include:

    • Simple List. Print a simple list that includes Call #, Title, Author, Medium, and Status.

    • Bibliographic Format. Prints a numbered bibliography.

    • Citation Format. Prints titles in a bibliographic format.

    • Short Details. Prints key data for each title.

    • Full Details. Prints all title information.

    • Location Details. Prints the location details each copy at this library.
    • Notes. Prints one page for each item in your search results, including the citation for the title(s), project name, all given notes, and other questions or issues to research.

    • MARC Records. Prints MARC records for each title.

    • Study Program Details. Prints all records with study program information.
    • Results Format. Prints titles as they show up in results, including cover art.


Add the selected items to a list. Among other things, this allows you to Add All... or Add Selected... search results to a user-created Saved List or the default Temp List.

    • Add Selected to List. Add the selected item(s) to a new or existing list.
    • Add All to List. Move all of the items in your current search results to a new or existing list.
    • View List. View all of the items in a temporary or saved list.


Sort your temporary or saved list by Relevance (default), Title, Author, Series, Call Number, Rating, Genre, or Year.


Filter your results by Authors, Awards, Genre, Language, Copy Location, Medium, Series, Year, Subjects, and Stars. Read Filter Your Results for more about search filters.


The number of netTrekker results for this query. Click the number to open these results in a new tab or window.

Narrow your netTrekker results by category. Click the icon to search your term in netTrekker.

50 Results

This is the number of results shown on this page, up to 100. If there are more than 100 results for your query, click Find More to view the next set.

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Filter Your Results

Results Filters are post-search filters used to accurately narrow down your current search results in real-time. When the Search interface returns results, it populates the filter dropdown menu with a set of filters for the following categories: Authors, Awards, Genre, Language, Copy LocationMedium, Series, Year, Subjects, and Stars. The Filters menu will then dynamically keep track of the frequency of certain data elements in your results list; once a data element, such as “Rowling, J.K.”, is selected from the Authors category, your search results are instantly narrowed down (i.e. filtered).

If data elements for a particular filter category can't be found in the returned results, they will not appear in the Filter menu. For example, if there aren't any award-winning books in your results, the Awards filter category will appear empty.

  • To activate a filter, select an element from within a category of the Filter drop-down menu. Active filters display white checkmarks to the left of their name.
  • To deactivate a filter, re-select an element with a white checkmark to remove both the checkmark and the filter.
  • You can also click on the checkmark next to an active filter category (e.g. ✔ Authors) to clear the entire category and all of the selected filter elements contained within.

As you continue to “checkmark” data elements from the Filters menu, only relevant results will be returned. You can carefully examine the remaining data elements each time you make a selection, allowing your search results to be further filtered and refined.

These “checkmarks” provide swift avenues back to previous searches using filters that you applied to get to the current results. That way, if filtered results lead to a dead end, the previous results are easily accessible.

So, for example, lets say that a search for “Harry Potter” was performed. The following Results Filters may appear:

Clear Filters

Click this to clear all of your filters. To clear one filter at a time, un-select the category by clicking the checkmark next to it.


Filters help you narrow your search results. You can select multiple filter types (such as Year and Stars) and multiple terms in each type (such as 2016 and 2017, 4 and 5 stars).


Filter your results by author (saved in MARC tag 100_a).


Information provided in this field will filter your search by awards note (i.e. the 586 tag). This filter is useful when you want to look for award-winning items in the collection.


Filter your results by genre (i.e. the 655_a tag).


Filter your results by language (i.e. 041_a tags).

Copy Location

Filter your results by copy location (i.e. the 852_b tag)


Filter your results by medium (i.e. the 245_h tag). This filter is useful when you want to look for items in the collection that are of a certain “media type” or physical format. Only mediums that already exist within your database collection are available for selection.


Filter your results by series (i.e. MARC fields 800-830).


Information provided in this field will filter your search by the publication year (i.e. the 260 tag). This filter is useful when you want to look for items in the collection that were published within a certain chronology.


Filter your results by subject entry (i.e. 650 _a_x_y_z).


Filter your results by their one to five-star rating. This is useful if you want to single out items that are highly regarded.