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Tip for: 12.04.17

If you use fines and charges in your library, you may want to see outstanding charges so you know whom you need to contact about getting them paid. If you don’t use fines and charges, you may want to see any fines so you can clear them out yourself.

Remember, fines refer to overdue fines, whereas Charges refer to anything manually charged to a patron, lost item fees, loan fees, and so forth. Refresh the differences in the Tip of the Week from 012317.

The easiest way to get a comprehensive list of all the patrons who have fines or charges on their account is to run a report.

Charges and Fines Report

  1. Open Reports and go to the Circulation category, the Charges and Payments subcategory.
  2. Select one of the Charges and Overdue Fines reports.
  3. You have three of these reports; one is for Fines only, one is for Charges only, and the last shows both.
  4. Run the report as-is to see all patrons, or make a Selection of patrons.

When you are running these reports, be sure to take note of the messages included with the charges that tell you what this charge was for. 

Fines will be overdue fines that are still accumulating; once an item is returned, that fine becomes a Charge and shows up on the Charges report, indicated by something like this: *Due Nov 19, 2017. 

Fees, like for lost items, would show up like this: **LOST on Aug 29, 2017 

A manually-added Charge might show like this: Charge;Computer time;

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