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Tip for: 04.03.17

You have a book missing from your library. How can you find it? The first step is to see when it was last inventoried—in other words, when it was last recorded as having been seen or used.

Alexandria inventories an item any time you scan the barcode in inventory mode, but also whenever a patron checks the book out or checks it back in, and whenever you bookdrop the book.

To see the last inventory date, go to Item Management and locate the title.

In v6, click on the Copy Information tab, and the Copy Info subtab. 
In v7, Click on the Copies tab, and the Information subtab. 
Look for the Inventory Date field. 

If this date is recent, you might try looking in a different area of the library. Check your calendar and see if there were any events on that day where the book might have been mislaid. On the other hand, if this date is far in the past, the book may be long gone, and you can probably declare it Lost. If it shows up later, all you need to do is bookdrop it to put it back in your collection.

User comment: 
L.H. points out: "I would look to see who checked it out last, and if it was returned, also the history in case a teacher came in and "borrowed" it without checking it out." Absolutely! You can quickly see previous checkouts from Circulation with the Copy Stats. Thanks for the tip!

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