Actions Menu

Patron > Actions menu

When a patron is selected, the Actions dropdown menu contains record-specific actions and other tools. These include:

Remove patron

This selection permanently removes the selected patron or operator record. Be sure to address any items checked out or fines owed before removing the patron. 

There are times you may need to remove patrons who no longer use your library or operators who are no longer authorized to access the Alexandria. Use Remove Patron to permanently remove the current patron or operator and ensure the security of your site(s).

When a record is removed, all associated information is also removed. For example, removing a patron also removes all history and statistics and any holds or reservations that the patron had pending. To remove a patron with items checked out, be sure to have them return all items to the library or record them as Lost.

How to Remove Patrons
  1. Log into Patrons by adding /patrons to the end of your Alexandria login URL.
  2. Locate the patron you wish to remove.
  3. Select (highlight) the patron you'd like to remove from the Records List of results on the left.
  4. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Remove patron.
  5. You will be asked if you’re sure you'd like to permanently remove the selected patron; click Remove to delete the record or Cancel to keep them in your database.
  6. Patrons should not be removed if they still have items checked out. If a patron owes any fines or charges, you can still remove them, but their fines will be cleared from the system.

Removing a record is permanent and cannot be undone without manually re-entering their information or recovering the information from one of your database archives.

Merge duplicate by barcode

Merges the current patron record with another that's specified by barcode. All lists, reviews, charges, checkouts, holds, history, and more from both records will be kept.

Merging Rules

The "keep" record is one you want to keep, and the "merge" record is the one you want to copy data from and delete.

If a field is blank in the "keep" patron record but filled in the "merge record", the final record will use what's in the "merge" record's field:

"Keep" Record"Merge" RecordFinal Record


If the same field is filled in both the "keep" and "merge" records, the final record will use what's in the "keep" record's field:

"Keep" Record"Merge" RecordFinal Record

All General, Category, Contact, and Alert Notes on the "merge" patron record will append to notes on the "keep" patron record:

"Keep" Record"Merge" RecordFinal Record
Needs to meet with librarianMrs. Apple's book club

Needs to meet with librarian

Mrs. Apple's book club

How to Merge Patron Records

Merging records is permanent and cannot be undone without recovering the information from one of your database archives.

  1. Log in to the Patrons module by adding /patrons to the end of your login URL.
  2. Locate the patron record you wish to keep ("keep" record).
  3. Select (highlight) the "keep" record from the Records List of results on the left.
  4. Make sure the patron record is  unlocked.
  5. From the   Actions drop-down menu, select Merge duplicate by barcode.
  6. In the Merge Records dialog, type the barcode of the patron you'd like to merge with the current patron ("merge" record). The barcode must consist of 3+ numbers. Click Continue.
  7. A confirmation dialog will appear. Review the details of the merge, and if everything looks correct, click Merge.
  8. The "merge" record will be deleted, and all data will be transferred to the "keep" record.

Take a picture

Opens a window so you can take a picture of the patron with your webcam.

Add a picture

This selection opens an operating system standard explorer window, allowing you to guide Alexandria to the location of your saved patron image. You can use GIFs, BMPs, PICs, JPGs (or most standard image files) as viable formats to add a picture to your patron record. When applicable, the picture will appear in the Personal Info tab of Patrons Management and in the Current Patron pane of Circulation.

Remove picture

Once removed, the patron picture will default to what you have set in your Patron Pictures preferences.

Patron History

Runs an individual Patron History report, which shows recent payments, credits, renewals, lost items, refunds, Lexile history, and returned items. The PDF will automatically download to your device. You can also run this report in Circulation via the actions menu for the Current Patron pane.

Patron Details

View or print the details for the current patron.