Records List

Patron > Records List

The left-hand side of the module contains the Patron Records List pane, where all patron and operator records matching your Find criteria will be displayed in the user-specified List sort order. The Patron Records List also contains shortcuts where you can Add patron or operator records to your database.

If there is no patron in the Current Patron pane of the Circulation module when the Patrons Management module is accessed, the default selection will be the first of your Most Recently Modified patrons.

Selecting a patron from the Patron Records List will make that patron or operator record current in the Current Record pane (i.e. the larger, right-hand section of the Patrons Management module).

The area situated below the record list contains tools that useful for adding, browsing, and finding patron or operator records

  • Quick Search. Which patrons do you want to view? Click here for a few simple, predefined search options.
    • Most Recently Modified
    • Most Recently Created
  • Find. Click to open the Patron Lookup dialog.

Records List

The left-hand side of the module contains the Patron Records List pane, where all patron and operator records matching your Find criteria will be displayed in the user-specified List sort order. The Patron Records List also contains shortcuts where you can Add patron or operator records to your database.

If there is no patron in the Current Patron pane of the Circulation module when the Patrons Management module is accessed, the default selection will be the first of your Most Recently Modified patrons.

Selecting a patron from the Patron Records List will make that patron or operator record current in the Current Record pane (i.e. the larger, right-hand section of the Patrons Management module).

The area situated below the record list contains tools that useful for adding, browsing, and finding patron or operator records

  • Add. Click to add a new patron or operator record to your database.
  • Quick Search. Which patrons do you want to view? Click here for a few simple, predefined search options.
    • Most Recently Modified
    • Most Recently Created
  • Find. Click to open the Patron Lookup dialog.