Are you using "Legacy" reports? It's easy to check. Open Tools > Reports and look in thePatrons > Legacy and the Copies > Legacy categories.

Now at the top, click on the Saved tab. Do you have Saved reports using those Legacy templates? If so, it may be time to upgrade your experience by recreating those Saved reports in newer and improved Reports.

You can recreate the following Patron Legacy reports in the suggested newer reports:

Legacy ReportUpdated ReportBenefits
Library Cards (Legacy)Library Cards (2x5)Advanced customization of your library cards
Patron Barcode Labels (Legacy)Patron Barcode Labels (3x10)Field by field customization
Patron Mailing Labels (Legacy)Patron Mailing Labels (3x10)Individual field customization

Note there is also a new Patron Labels (4x20) report for smaller labels!

You can recreate the following Copy Legacy reports in the suggested newer reports, all of which allow advanced field-by-field customization:

Legacy ReportUpdated ReportNotes
Copy Barcode Labels (Legacy)Copy Labels (3x10)
Envelope and Spine Labels (Legacy)

We no longer support both these label types on one label. For the Envelope labels, use the Copy Labels (3x10) or Copy Labels (4x20) report. For Spine labels, use Copy Labels (8x6, Tall).

Horizontal Spine Labels (Legacy)

Copy Labels (5x10)

LOC Style Spine Labels (Legacy)

Copy Labels (8x6, Tall)

Copy Labels (3x10)

If you used the 6x8 format, replace with Copy Labels (8x6, Tall); if you used the 3x10 format, replace with Copy Labels (3x10).

Spine Labels (Legacy)

If you printed these in Portrait, use the Copy Labels (8x6, Tall). If you printed these in Landscape, use the Copy Labels (8x6, Wide)

Study Program Labels (Legacy)

Copy Labels (4x20)

Copy Labels (8x6, Tall)

Use the Copy Labels (4x20) or the Copy Labels (8x6, Tall) labels, depending on your study program:

  • Lexile = 4x20 (V0036)
  • Accelerated Reader = 8x6 (V0032)
  • Reading Counts = 4x20 (V0036)
  • Reading Level = 4x20 (V0036)
  • Interest Level = 4x20 (V0036)

Please note that while the Legacy reports remain for now, they are no longer maintained and may be removed in following updates.

Thank you,

Alexandria Administration