Tip for May 06, 2019

Do you have some voracious readers in your library? Maybe one or two of them have asked you to pick out books for them to read.

Let’s use Darla as an example.

I know she likes adventure, fantasy, and other teen reads. I recently read Anne of Green Gables for the first time — might that be the perfect book recommendation? — but how do I know she hasn't already read it? I could wrack my brain for a bunch of titles and present a stack of books to Darla next time she visits, so she can choose the ones she hasn’t read. Or I could be a bit more clever and check Darla’s reading history to see if she’s ever checked that book out. 

  1. In Circulation, go to the Patrons pane and open the Actions menu.
  2. Choose History to run a Patron History report.
  3. Open the PDF, and search it for the title you were thinking of.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) our memories aren't perfect. We can't always remember the plot of every book we've ever read, and sometimes we can't even remember if we've read a particular book or not. Being able to check your history is ever so useful!

In Alexandria version 7, your patrons can log in to Patron Status to see (and filter!) their complete reading history in the Returned tab.

Patron Status Returned

“It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”

― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables