For API and product version numbers: 

  • Use "earlier" instead of "lower" or "below," as in Internet Explorer 6.0 and earlier.
  • Use "later" instead of "above," as in Internet Explorer 7.0 and later.

Use active voice whenever possible. Be careful not to change the meaning of a sentence when rewording from passive to active voice.

Passive voice can be appropriate in some cases. For example,

  • When active voice creates an awkward construction
  • The subject is unknown or not the focus of the sentence
  • You want to avoid blaming the user
  • To convey an impersonal tone for a technical audience

Here are some strategies and examples for changing passive voice to active voice.

StrategyPassive VoiceActive Voice
Identify the real subject and switch from passive to active voice.

The data is entered by the user.

When you create an action, its layout is populated with a default set of fields.

The user enters the data.

When you create an action, Alexandria populates its layout with a default set of fields.

Replace the passive voice with the imperative.

If you want to place a frame script on a tween layer, it must be created on another layer and dragged to the tween layer as well.

To place frame scripts on a tween layer, create them on another layer and drag them to the tween layer.

Is a technology the subject of the sentence? Sometimes the active voice is awkward, and the passive voice is better.

The variable is passed in the URL. Convert a field’s type from one that’s supported for actions to one that isn’t supported.