• Don’t capitalize web when using it by itself, such as in web browser, web portal, or web page.
  • Write website or webmaster as one word.
  • Use that to identify a particular item and which to add more detail about something.
  • Use that for restrictive or defining clauses: The system administrator accesses the screen that creates reports.
  • Use which for nonrestrictive clauses: This screen, which is a new enhancement, reduces duplication of data entry.

Both that and who can be used to refer to a person, but who is considered more polite: The user who logs in first can access the new feature.

Hyphenate. Capitalize the W and the F.

Wi-Fi™ is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance and the brand name for products based on IEEE 801.11 standards. Use Wi-Fi when referring to the wireless connection on a mobile device or to wireless networks.

A window is a specific view from within a module/area. All windows combine to make the module/area.