Patrons Reports

Here is a master list of all the reports found under the Patrons category! The reports are further broken down into the sub-categories shown in Reports. Click on a report's name to read about it and see a PDF example of what it looks like! At the beginning of each section, there are screenshots of what most of the Selections and Options are for the reports in that section. Patrons at Site: if you have a centralized catalog, you can choose which site(s) to run this report on


Additional Selections: Patrons with Last Name, Patrons in Barcode Range, Patrons with Barcodes

Librarian/Admin use only


Generates a list of all patrons who are considered operators. Everyone in a security group with a level of 0 (District Administrator), 1 (Librarian Administrator), 2 (Librarian), or 3 (Staff) will be included.

Use Case(s)

This list could be a helpful reference when making security group changes, creating email groups, or making decisions in meetings. 


**may have Detailed option added?

Librarian/Admin use only


Generates a list of patron alert notes based on the selections you make. Alert notes make the librarian aware of special circumstances surrounding the patron and automatically pop up in the Circulation module anytime the patron's barcode is entered.


**may have Detailed option added?

Librarian/Admin use only


Generates a list of current patron category notes based on the selections you make. Categorical notes could be used for special reading programs, at-risk students, special education students, gifted students, library contest students, or any other groups that you find useful.


**may have Detailed option added?

Librarian/Admin use only


Generates a list of current patron contact notes based on the selections you make.


**will be updated in .3 (Sort by = Total by + different wording in report itself)


Run this report if you'd like to know how many patrons belong to the group(s) you select.

Additional Option

The Sort by options are a little different in this report: all, policy, grade, location, and second location. "All" is the default and results in only one count being listed. If you choose a sorting option other than "All," an option to Page Break on Major Sort appears, which ?


Sorted by "All" (default)

Sorted by "Policy"


Generates a list of current patron credit based on the selections you make. Patron credit is a way to accept payment greater than a fine amount and add the rest as credit to the patron's account. 

Additional Selection

Credit Balance: enter the balance range you would like to narrow down your report to


 (update screenshot with .3?)


Generates a list of current patron general notes based on the selections you make. General notes can include any additional comments about a patron.


 may add Detailed format option?


Creates a list of patron information based on the selections you make.

Additional Option

Format1 Line: single information lines that include name, grade, barcode, patron #, policy, and location
Detailed: information sections that include name, address, barcode, status, accession, card expiration date, last use, policy, additional contact, patron #, location, second location, site, gender, grade, and Lexile (showing patron pictures is optional)


1 Line


Detailed (with patron pictures)


add option screenshot of Patrons with No Email when it's updated

Additional Selections: Patrons with Last Name, Patrons in Barcode Range, Patrons with Barcodes


Creates a full breakdown of the current state of patrons' accounts for the selections you make. This includes an account balance, payments, charges, credits, loaned items, lost items, overdues, holds, and reservations (similar to a Patron Details quick report in the Circulation module).

Additional Option

Limit to patrons that have transactions: if unchecked, patrons without balances, payments, charges, credits, loaned items, lost items, overdues, holds, or reservations will be included



Creates a list of patrons with the status of inactive based on the selections you make.

Additional Option

Format1 Line: single information lines that include name, grade, barcode, patron #, policy, and location
Detailed: information sections that include name, address, barcode, status, accession, card expiration date, last use, policy, additional contact, patron #, location, second location, site, gender, grade, and Lexile (showing patron pictures is optional)


1 Line


Detailed (with patron pictures)


Generates a list of patrons without a listed email address based on the selections you make.



Generates a list of patrons without a picture based on the selections you make.



Generates a list of suspended patrons and/or generates letters for notifying patrons and parents of the suspension.

Additional Option


1 Line: list of suspended patrons with their name, policy, barcode, start date, and end date
Letter: contains patron name, location, second location, address, start date, end date, and customizable letter text
Letter to Parents: contains parent name, parent address, patron name, patron location, start date, end date, and customizable letter text
Self Mailer: contains patron name, address, location, start date, end date, customizable letter text, and a folding line for an envelope


1 Line


Letter to Parents

Self Mailer

Labels - may be moved??


going to be updated in .3

Usage - going to be moved to Statistics



** will be updated (remove Detailed format option or restructure it)

