Add, view, duplicate, move, and modify the the items in your database.

To log in directly, add /items to the end of your Alexandria URL.



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Items Management

The Items Management module is where you add, view, duplicate, move, and modify standard information about the items in your database. The main item record is called the “title” record and each title can have one or more “copies”. Copies represent the physical assets in your collection; each copy is assigned an individual barcode number. Supply only the information you need for title and copy records; this allows you to provide consistency in the content, look, and feel of your collection.

The subtabs of the Items Management module are ideal for adding simple item records to your collection, enabling you to input the most common information needed to catalog a title. If you're cataloging a book, you can find much of the information you'll need on the Publication tab. Because the Items Management module only offers the most recognizable of fields, you can also use the MARC View editor to take full advantage of the detail and flexibility of the MARC standard.

In Alexandria, items can be books, eBooks, music, movies, electronic resources, photographs, periodicals, filmstrips, newspapers, magazines, or any other form of media—essentially anything that circulates in your collection. The information stored in individual item records is cross-referenced by the Researcher and is used in areas such as reports, utilities, exports, imports, inventory, and policies.

With Alexandria's Centralized Catalog, all libraries share title information, thus, every single library benefits from the changes you make. Depending on your security permissions, you are allowed to view and edit item records for every collection in your district.


The Items Management module consists of two distinct areas: the Records List on the left, and the Current Record pane on the right. Go to the Current Item pane to switch between Titles and Copies, then click the padlock to unlock the record for editing.

Hover over or click on the items on the image below for more information.

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