
Hold allows a patron to request a copy of a book so that it can be picked up later, or if the book is currently checked out, allows the patron to request it once it has been returned. Once an item has been placed on Hold by a patron, it will be assigned a status. This status, defined below, are automatically assigned.

  • On-Hold. A request has been made for a copy of a title when it becomes available.
  • On-Shelf Hold. A request has been made for a specific copy, however, this copy is still on the shelf somewhere in the library. The librarian can run an On-Shelf report, retrieve all the titles on the report and bookdrop them so Alexandria can set the status to In-Stock.
  • In-Stock Hold. A specific copy has been assigned to fill the request and is in the Holds area. If a hold request has been made against a book that is currently checked out, when it is returned, it will automatically be listed as In-Stock.
  • In-Stock Expired. A specific copy is in the holds area, however, the patron has either cancelled the request or the request has expired. The librarian should periodically run a scheduled In-Stock Expired Report to return In-Stock Expired copies to the library system.
  • In-Transit Hold. A hold request has been made against a copy in a multsite system and is currently being transferred.


Alexandria provides a number of reports. Some of these should be relate directly to Holds and should be run on a regular basis. The most useful for Holds are listed and explained below.

  • In-Stock Hold Notice. This report will generate notices for patrons that their item is In-Stock and is being held for them.
  • In-Stock Holds. This report generates a list of all patrons with holds that are currently In-Stock.
  • Pending Holds. This report generates a list of all patrons with Pending Holds.
  • Current Site Overdue ILL Information. This report will produce a list of patrons at the current site with overdue items belonging other sites. This is useful in identifying your patrons that need to return items to other sites.
  • Expired In Stock Holds. This report will produce a list of in stock holds that have expired and need returned to the owning site or bookdropped and put back on the shelf.
  • In Transit from Current Site. This report will produce a list of items In-Transit from the current site. Useful in determining what you have sent out to other sites that have not yet arrived.
  • In Transit from Current Site, Late In Arriving. This report will produce a list of items In-Transit from the current site, which are late in arriving. Useful in determining what you have sent out to other sites that have not yet arrived and shouldhave, according to the average transit period set in preferences.
  • In Transit Holds for Current Site. This report will produce a list of holds that are on In-Transit hold for the current site. Useful in seeing books coming your way to fill holds for your patrons.
  • In Transit to Current Site. This report will produce a list of items In-Transit to the current site. Useful in determining what has been sent to you that has not yet arrived.
  • In Transit to Current Site, Late In Arriving. This report will produce a list of items In-Transit to the current site, which are late in arriving. Useful in determining what has been sent to you that has not yet arrived and should have, according to the average transit period set in preferences.
  • Pull Copies to fill Holds for Other Sites. This report will produce a list of available items at the current site that could be placed In-Transit to fill holds for patrons at other sites.
  • On Shelf Holds. This is for librarians to identify items that are located on the shelf of the owning library. The librarian should fetch it, bookdrop it, which would then assign its status to In-Stock Hold, where it is then placed in the holds area of the library or In-Transit to fill a hold at another site.
  • Suspended Holds. This report generates a list of patrons with Suspended Holds.
  • Needed for Reservation Notice. This report generates a notice that an item or items are required for Reservations.
  • Reservations List. This report generates a list of patrons and items that have Reservations.
  • Reserved Items List. This report generates a list of patrons and items that are currently Reserved.

Flow Chart