Tip for: 10.12.15

Do you have lesson plans you want to share with your teachers or with other librarians? Learn how to share with Alexandria.

There are two ways you can share your lesson plans with Alexandria: 
put your lesson plans on one or more Bulletin Boards, or, if your lesson plans are already located on a website or server, create an Explore pane that links to your resources. 

What you need to know about using Bulletin Boards:

  • A Bulletin Board is like your own little website.
  • You can create as many boards with as many bulletins as you need.
  • Bulletins can be different colors, and support HTML editing.
  • Include links, photos, and even videos.
  • Bulletin Boards are public; students and anyone else who can view your catalog can see all Bulletin Boards.

To create your Bulletin Board:

  1. From Tools, open Bulletins. (Or from Show, open Bulletin Board.)
  2. Use the actions (gear) menu at the top to Add Bulletin Board.
  3. Name the board (e.g. Grade 4 Lesson Plans), and Save.
  4. Add your first bulletin by entering a Bulletin Name, choose a Color, drop in an Image, and add your Bulletin Text.
  5. Save the bulletin.
  6. Use the plus icon at the bottom to add more bulletins.

What you need to know about using an Explore Pane:

  • Explore buttons are links only; they do not themselves hold content other than text.
  • You will be able to label the button and add a button image.
  • A button can open a URL, go to another pane, display a message, perform a search, or do nothing.
  • The Display a Message Action supports basic HTML, such as italics.

To create your Explore Pane:

  1. From Tools, open Explore Builder.
  2. Click the plus icon in the bottom left to add a new pane.
  3. Drag images onto the pane and enter labels for your buttons.
  4. Use Open URL (v7) or Launch a URL (v6) to create buttons linking out to your lesson plan resources.
  5. Use Display a Message to create buttons with some text.
  6. Save the pane.

Once you’ve set up your Bulletin Board or Explore pane, you can share the link with anyone, and you could even link from an Explore button.

  1. Locate the pane where you want the button.
  2. Create a new button called for example Lesson Plans.
  3. For the pane Action, choose to Open URL (v7) or Launch a URL (v6).
  4. Fill in the URL of your Lesson Plan Bulletin Board or Explore Pane.
  5. Save the Pane.

Learn More:
Bulletin Board Management v6 Wiki
Bulletin Board Management v7 Support Center
Explore Builder v6 Wiki
Explore Builder v7 Support Center