26 March 2022


You’ve heard about the Alexandria and Textbook Tracker Makeover. Coming in the next release, you’ll be able to try it out! Look in Circulation, Items, and Patrons for a purple alert button at the top of your screen. That will take you to the Makeover beta in our demo where you can play around recklessly.

For a list of changes, new features, and known issues with the Makeover betas, see our Makeover Changes page.

Got something to say (good, bad, or a further improvement on what we’re doing)? Fill out this form, or send an email to uxteam@goalexandria.com.


Super Summary reports will be unavailable as we make changes to foundational report functionality. If you have feedback about Super Summary and the data you need, please submit an idea.

You may notice some changes in Operations Management as we’ve modified the process to better handle more complex operations, and operations in a busy queue.

Think of the Operations Queue like a print queue. Our goal with the new operations was to prevent any one job from interfering with other server activities. For example, imagine the end of the year, or start of school, where you might have multiple imports, utilities, and other resource-intensive operations going at the same time. The new system is designed to keep the things you want done ‘now’—such as checkouts, record management, searching in Researcher—faster when big operations are running in the background.


When you run a report, where does it go? To Operations! In order to help make this more clear, we’ve added some text in Reports, Utilities, Export, and Import. (Alexandria & Textbook Tracker)

Our Support Center is going through some changes for the Makeover. Notice the new Operations and Builder menus at the top!


  • Lost books that have been paid for are no longer showing a balance due in the Patron Details Summary report.

  • The “Discard Reason” input field has been removed from the Damaged Items Notice report, as it is not applicable. Use the Discarded Copies report to get information on discarded items.
  • The Overdue Items and Unpaid Charges Information report now includes the titles for lost items.
  • The Patron Details Summary report is correctly displaying the copy call numbers.
  • The Items Management search will now include locations with apostrophes in their results. 

  • Patron Lexile scores and tables are importing as expected.
  • Series Volumes are now exporting successfully as a separate field, instead of part of Series.
Textbook Tracker
  • Textbook reports (including the Title Information report) will now sort correctly.