Import eBooks

There are several simple steps involved when importing eBooks into Alexandria.

For illustrative purposes, the examples below will use our downloadable Capstone Interactive Library selection of free eBooks to demonstrate the process of importing eBooks. Feel free to follow along (and get some free eBooks) or substitute our examples with eBooks of your own; either way, the method for importing remains the same.

1. Set Your Preferences

2. Download MicroLIF Records

3. Import Item Records
  1. Go to Tools > Import > Items.
  2. Click Choose File and find Microlif.001 on your computer. Select the file and click Open.
  3. On the Settings tab, select Add Titles.
  4. On the Options > Title subtab, select your eBook policy from the dropdown menu. 
  5. Click Run.

4. Import Cover Art
  1. Go to Tools > Import > Images.
  2. Click Choose File and find on your computer. Select the file and click Open.
  3. On the Settings tab, select Item Cover Art.
  4. Click Run.

5. Access Your eBooks