April 4th, 2022

Miss Honey's library has made a push the last two months to teach students how to use Alexandria Researcher–but how can she tell if it worked? The Researcher Monthly Usage report compiles data on how often students are using researcher, and which modules they are accessing. You can use the Researcher Monthly Usage report, too, and get the data for your library! 

Running the report 

  1. Go to Tools > Reports > Statistics/Usage > Researcher Monthly Usage
  2. Enter a date range. Since this is a new report, the data is limited to interactions after June 2021. 
  3. Click Run
  4. Use Operations Management (click the wrench icon in the top right) to retrieve the report. 

Here is an example of the report data. 

Want to know more about how your students interact with your library? Try GG4L Engagement+.

Read more about statistics in Alexandria: Learn and grow—Statistics in Alexandria.

The Makeover betas are here! Look in Circulation, Items, and Patrons for a purple alert button  at the top of your screen. That will take you to the Makeover beta in our demo where you can play around recklessly.