November 14, 2022

Ever been in the middle of setting up a genre-based book display and realized not all of the books had that genre assigned? You can use the Assign Keywords Circulation Command— it's a quick and easy way to add a MARC tag with the specific keywords to item records without having to go in and individually edit each record. 

The Assign Keywords command is V, followed by a code letter specifying what kind of MARC tag you are applying the keyword to. Alexandria's Circulation has 11 different codes to choose from, but the three most common are: E - Series _v SeriesVolume, G - Genre, and S - Subject.

Let's put this in action and go through the steps of assigning the subject keyword "Magic" to a stack of related books:

Not sure about assigning keywords, or anything else in Alexandria? Pasha recommends reaching out to our support team at 1-800-347-4942. 

  • Enter V S Magic into the command line and hit <enter>. The V is for the Assign Keywords command, and the S is for Subject (check out more options here). 
  • You will see S Magic show up to the left of the command line.

  • Scan or enter the barcode for each item you're assigning that keyword to.
  • When you're done, use the X command to clear the keyboard and go back into checkout mode.

The release of the Alexandria Makeover is around the corner. Take a look at the Circulation Videos for the makeover, or our Youtube channel!