Tip for: 01.08.18

Welcome back to a new year!

Sometimes, patrons need an item for a very short period of time or the item is one that you only want to check out for an hour or so. Are you aware that there is a Same Day Check Out command, which allows you to check items out to be returned on the same day they are checked out?

Same Day Check Out Circulation Command

To use Same Day Check Out:

  1. In the Circulation window, scan or type the patron barcode number to make them current.
  2. Press the <enter> key, if you typed in the barcode.
  3. With the patron current, type OS, then scan or type the barcode of the item (e.g. os 10883).
  4. You will notice when you look at the Transaction Log that the due date of the item is set for the same day!