Tip for: 02.09.15

Use Routes to circulate the publications managed through Subscriptions.

To add a route:

  1. From Show in the menu bar, open Routes.
  2. Click on the plus (+) sign on the bottom left to add a new route.
  3. Name the route and press OK.
  4. Set a Responsible Patron, the first person the subscription goes to.
  5. Set a Route Period, the length of time the route will run.
  6. Under the Route List tab, add patrons on the route, in the order they will pass the subscription on to each other.
  7. Enter any Instructions.
  8. Save the route.

To add a subscription:

  1. From Show in the menu bar, or from Tools, open Subcriptions.
  2. Click on the plus (+) sign on the bottom left to add a new subscription.
  3. Name the subscription and press OK.
  4. Enter the subscription information such as Starting DateTotal Issues, and so forth.
  5. Choose a Status, such as Active'.
  6. Choose a Frequency, such as Monthly.
  7. Set the Upon Receipt drop-down menu to Add a New Title and Copy when the subscription arrives, to just Add a Copy to the Selected Title, or to Add Nothing.
  8. Under the Item Copy Data tab, enter the Call # of the title the copy will be added to if you set it to add a copy.
  9. Under the Renewal tab, set necessary information for renewing the subscription.
  10. Click on the Routes tab.
  11. Select your route from the Route drop-down menu so when the issue is received, it will print a routing slip and automatically check the issue out to the Route’s Responsible Patron.
  12. Select your route from the TOC Route drop-down menu so when the issue is received, it prints a Table of Contents routing slip; this assumes the item isn’t circulating — just the table of contents — and does not check the item out to the Responsible Patron.
  13. Save the subscription.

To route the subscription:

  1. When the subscription arrives, in the Circulation Command Line type E and [enter] to receive the subscription. It will print the selected routing slip.
  2. Routing Slips (depending on your Routes preferences) show the picture, name, and barcode of the Responsible Patron, then the routing date and date due, and the list of patrons on the route.
  3. Hand it off to the Responsible Patron, and let them take it from there!