Item Editors allow you to customize the MARC record for an item without having to Toggle MARC view. You can edit the Title, Author, and Subjects for any item in your library, and the new information will then be reflected on the item's MARC record. You will need to be on the Title tab of the item record in order to make these changes. You may review the Library of Congress webpage for additional information about MARC record standards.

To access the item editors:

  1. Go to the Items module.
  2. Select the Titles tab at the top of the window.
  3. Look up the title you want to edit.
  4. Click the padlock icon at the top of the window to unlock the item for editing.

Now you're ready to go.

Title Editor

The Title Editor allows you to view and edit the 245 Title Statement tag for the item.

Author Editors

Edit an Author Tag

Add a MARC Tag

Remove a MARC Tag

Subject Editor

The Subject Editor allows you to view, add, edit or remove subject entries for the Title. The Subject Editor is located on the Subjects tab in the Title record.

Edit a Subject

Add a Subject Tag

Remove a Subject Tag