Beginning-of-Year Procedures

Prepare for the new school year with KeepnTrack by following these steps.

1. Remove old records

Clear out old, unused people records so they don't clog your lists and slow things down. Once you navigate to Tools > Utilities > Remove Person Records, there are three common ways to clear out old records:

  • Remove all of your visitors by checking the Exact Classification Selection box. Then make sure that all of the classification types are unchecked. This will just remove people who are only visitors.

  • Remove people with an inactive status by selecting Inactive in the Status drop-down menu. 

  • Remove people who have expired by entering a range in the Expiration Date selection.

Once you have chosen option(s) that works best for you, make the necessary selections shown above and click Run Utility.

2. Import new records

If you get exports from your student information system (SIS), you’ll want to import those records into KeepnTrack. Refresh your memory on how to do that by reading over our Import article.

3. Process volunteer applications

Get those volunteers ready for the new year! Unless you automatically approve or reject volunteer applications, you’ll need to manually screen your applicants. Read up on how to do this by using the Volunteer Application Management window.

4. Check your alert preferences

Things change and people move around between school years. That's why it's a good idea to Go to Tools > Preferences > Alerts and double check that the phone numbers and emails listed are current for people who need to be notified. If you alert campus security, you might want to remind them of this so they remember where these alerts are coming from!

5. Check your hardware

Test your printers and scanners to make sure they're working correctly. This will prevent problems when people are trying to sign in and get their badges!

6. Check your kiosks

For each separate kiosk machine, review your Workstation settings to ensure sign-in processes run as expected. Sometimes your workstation settings will also be cleared if browser data is cleared, so it's a good idea to check.

Before running any of the data-changing utilities described in the steps above, create an archive so you have a restore point if something unexpected happens.