Brief Analysis

Generates statistics on item counts, purchase costs, and replacement costs


Run this report to see how many of a particular type of item you have and how much you have spent on that item type. This information may be useful when making budgeting or purchasing decisions. 

Brief Analysis report Selections tab
Example Report

Publication Date Summary

Generates title and copy statistics by publication year 


Run this report to see how up-to-date your collection is. It can help you decide whether or not to weed and order new items.


Publication Date Summary report Selections tab

Example Report

The average publication year and percentage of copies with a publication date of 10 years or younger can be found at the bottom of the report.

Super Summary by Call Number

Generate a detailed collection analysis of distribution, age, and usage by call number. 


Identify areas in your collection used heavily and those with little usage. This can then help you decide which materials to highlight, weed, or order more of.



Example Reports