Tools > Reports > Copies > Special Status

Discarded Copies

Textbook Tracker: Textbook Discarded Copies

Generates a list of copies currently assigned to the Discarded Copies System Patron (barcode 2)


Run this report before running the Remove Discarded Copies utility to make sure you want to permanently remove the listed copies from your library.


Discarded Copies report Selections tab

Checked Out to Discarded: Enter a date range or relative date to get a list of copies discarded during that time.

Discard Reason: Enter a reason for discarding.


Discarded Copies report Options tab

Include copies discarded: Choose whether to include copies discarded from a patron, during inventory, or both.

Show: Choose whether to display the replacement or purchase cost in the report.

Example Report

If a copy has been discarded from a patron, their name and barcode will appear above the copy barcode. 

In Processing Copies

Textbook Tracker: Textbook In Processing Copies

Generates a list of copies currently assigned to the In Processing System Patron (barcode 7)

You might mark copies as In Processing if you have received the MARC records for new copies but don't have the physical copies yet. Patrons will be able to see these copies in Researcher, but they will be marked as unavailable. Copies will also show up as In Processing when they are assigned to the Union Site.


In Processing Copies report Selections tab


In Processing Copies report Options tab

Example Report

Lost Copies

 Textbook Tracker: Textbook Lost Copies

The Lost Copies report generates a list of copies currently assigned to the Lost Copies System Patron (barcode 1)


Run this report with the From Patron or Both options to see who still owes fines on lost copies.


screenshot of the Lost Copies report's Selections tab (copy site and checked out to lost date range or relative date)

Checked Out to Lost: Enter a date range or relative date to get a list of copies lost during that time.


Include copies lost: Choose whether to include copies lost from a patron, during inventory, or both.

Example Report

If a copy has been lost from a patron, their name and barcode will appear above the copy barcode. 

Special Status Copies

Generates a list of copies currently assigned to the Lost (1), Discarded (2), For Library Use (3), On Repair (4), On Order (5), Archived (6), In Processing (7), Unknown Patron (8), or In Transit (9) system patrons.


Use these lists to check if items need to be assigned to or removed from certain system patrons:

  • Lost. Keeps track of items that have been lost. Check this list before permanently removing lost items.
  • Discarded. These are items that have been discarded or weeded throughout the year. Check this list before permanently removing discarded items.
  • For Library Use. These copies could be holiday books reserved for library reading events or books used in displays.
  • On Repair. Librarians or aides can run this report to see which copies need to be repaired. Reference the list again when bookdropping repaired copies to make them available again.
  • On Order. These are items that have been ordered but not yet received.
  • Archived. These items are unavailable to patrons. You may want to archive copies that are kept in a special room and not generally available for circulation.
  • In Processing. These are copies for which you have MARC records but not physical copies yet. Patrons will be able to see these copies in Researcher, but they will be marked as unavailable.
  • Unknown Patron. Keeps track of copies that have been temporarily misplaced.
  • In Transit. Keeps track of items moving from one location to another.


Special Status Copies report's Options tab

Report Example

The report output for each special status contains the same information.