April 6th, 2015; Updated on December 2nd, 2019

Uh oh! Do some of Alexandria’s sounds not quite fit your style? You have the power of change!

Sounds are useful to let you know what’s going on, especially when you may not be in front of the screen (e.g. when you're doing an inventory with a wireless scanner). By default, Alexandria has particular sounds assigned to each action or error. For example, patron alerts, maximum checked-out items, and inventory exceptions all have certain sounds automatically assigned to them. But if you want patron alerts to announce themselves with an Uh Oh or Ta-Da!, you can do so.

Customize Sounds
  1. Open Preferences.
  2. In the Configuration category, click on Sounds.
    Here, you can customize sounds for any of these occurrences. Use the drop-down menu to choose a sound, and click on the speaker icon to preview the currently-selected sound.
  3. Save the preference.
Disable Sounds
  1. Open Preferences.
  2. In the Configuration category, click on Sounds.
  3. Uncheck the Enable Librarian Sounds box.
  4. Save the preference.
Be aware there are some very soft sounds, such as TickWhitPong, and Fwoo. So you may consider using these rather than disabling sounds entirely.

Now you can change the sounds to fit your style, and let it be music to your ears.