March 23rd, 2020

One of the first things you'll want to do in preparation for the end of the year is check your library's calendars. With Alexandria, you can set Period Due Dates and Hard Due Dates.

Alexandria calendar

A Period Due Date is a date by which all items should be returned to the library. The circulation period before this date will be shortened so things are returned on time. Meanwhile, a Hard Due Date is a special date assigned to some item policies. It overrides all other due dates, including Period Due Dates, and allows items to be checked out for an extended period of time.

If your due dates for the end of this year are already set, continue setting them for the following year while you're there.

Version 7

Read through the Due Dates tab of our End-of-Year Procedures for instructions on how to check and set Period and Hard Due Dates. You can also see Calendar Preferences for more information. And don't forget about the End of Year Procedures Workshop as a helpful resource!

Version 6

See the Calendars & Period Due Dates and Hard Due Dates sections of the End-of-Year Procedures. For more information, look through the Calendar Preferences page or consider watching the super helpful End of Year Procedures Workshop for v6.

Before you go...

Is your library closing early or going remote? Check out our new Unexpected School Closures article and video for tips on making this transition. And feel free to contact our 24/7 Support team at 1-800-347-4942 or if you need additional help or have questions. We wish you the best and hope you stay safe!