Expired In-Stock Holds

Generates a list of copies in the holds area with expired or cancelled requests

Choose how long to keep in-stock holds in your patron policies.


Run this report periodically to see which copies need to be returned to their shelves.


Expired In-Stock Holds report Selections tab

Expired In-Stock Holds report Options tab
Example Report

In-Stock Holds

Generates a list of copies in the holds area of the library that have been assigned to fill a request


Set up a scheduled saved report to get a list of holds that became in-stock that day or the day before. Do this by using a relative date with the In-Stock Hold Available selection (this day, last day, etc).


In-Stock Holds report's Selections tab

In-Stock Hold Expiration Date: Get a list based on when in-stock holds will be expiring.

In-Stock Hold Available: Get a list based on when holds become in-stock.


In-Stock Holds report Options tab

Example Report

On-Shelf Holds

Generates a list of requested copies that are still on shelves somewhere in the library


Run this report to get a list of copies that need to be gathered for holds. Once all the copies have been retrieved, bookdrop them to change their statuses to In-Stock


On-Shelf Holds report Selections tab

This report now includes a Title selection.

On-Shelf Holds report Options tab
Example Reports

Standard format

Simple format

Pending Holds

Generates a list of holds placed on copies currently checked out to other patrons

You can select by both hold expiration and suspension dates.


Pending Holds report Selections tab

This report now includes a Title selection.


Pending Holds report Options tab

Example Report