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Circulation > Circulation tab

Transaction Log

The transaction log contains a history of everything that has occurred on your machine and most of the changes that are made through management, utilities, and importing. It will also record who has logged in to your workstation and performed certain transactions and changes. 

If you're Self-Hosted, archived transaction logs are placed in the Log folder, located in Alexandria's shared application support folder.

The transaction log contains a history of everything that has occurred on your machine and most of the changes that are made through management, utilities, and importing. It will also record who has logged in to your workstation and performed certain transactions and changes. It can be a valuable document, if you want to examine any workstation's history.

If you're Self-Hosted, archived transaction logs are placed in the Log folder, located in Alexandria's shared application support folder.


Type HW into the command line to automatically go to this tab.

The Homeroom subtab contains a list of all the patrons that belong to a particular homeroom. The Homeroom contains the Patron barcode, Name, Items Out (Total) and Today (Items checked out that day). You can also select the Pictures checkbox to include patron pictures.

  • If you type HW followed by a patron barcode, then the homeroom that includes that patron will be displayed in the Homeroom subtab.
  • If you type HW followed by a homeroom name, then the patrons in that homeroom will be displayed in the Homeroom subtab.
  • If you type HW alone or with a partial name then a list will be displayed and you can select a homeroom from the list.
Step-by-Step Instructions

Locate a Homeroom via Patron Barcode or Last Name

  1. Type HW {patron barcode} or {patron last name} (i.e. HW 1001 or HW Wilson) into the command line. The Homeroom subtab with a list of homerooms and patrons will open on the main Circulation window.
  2. Select a patron from the list on the right section of the Homeroom subtab, then scan the items the patron is checking out.
  3. Repeat step 2 until you have finished checking out items to all the patrons in the homeroom.
  4. Once you have finished, you may safely navigate away from the Homeroom subtab.

Locate a Homeroom from the List

  1. Type HW or HW {portion of homeroom} (i.e. HW or HW Smi) into the command line. The Homeroom subtab with a list of homerooms and patrons will open on the main Circulation window.
  2. Select a homeroom from the list on the left section of the Homeroom subtab. The list in the right section of the Homeroom subtab will display all the students that belong to that particular homeroom.
  3. Select a patron from the list on the right section of the Homeroom subtab, then scan the items the patron is checking out.
  4. Repeat step 3 until you have finished checking out items to all the patrons in the homeroom.
  5. Once you have finished, you may safely navigate away from the Homeroom subtab.

Open a Specific Homeroom

  1. Type HW {homeroom} (i.e. HW STARK) into the command line. The Homeroom subtab with a list of homerooms and patrons will open on the main Circulation window.
  2. Select a patron from the list on the right section of the Homeroom subtab, then scan the items the patron is checking out.
  3. Repeat step 2 until you have finished checking out items to all the patrons in the homeroom.
  4. Once you have finished, you may safely navigate away from the Homeroom subtab.

Type HW into the command line to automatically go to this tab.

"Location" is a localization term that can be altered in Localization Preferences. "Homeroom" is a popular alternative.

The Homeroom subtab contains a list of all the patrons that belong to a particular homeroom.

Circulation Location (Homeroom) tab

Selecting/highlighting a homeroom from the list in the left section of the Homeroom subtab will display all the students that belong to that particular homeroom in the right section of the window.

You may also access the Homeroom subtab from the command line by using the "HW" command; this will cause the Homeroom subtab to be displayed or any open Homeroom Selection windows to be brought to the forefront.

  • If you type HW followed by a patron barcode, then the homeroom that includes that patron will be displayed in the Homeroom subtab.
  • If you type HW followed by a homeroom name, then the patrons in that homeroom will be displayed in the Homeroom subtab.
  • If you type HW alone or with a partial name then a list will be displayed and you can select a homeroom from the list.
Step-by-Step Instructions

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Items out

Circulation > Items out tab

Type QE into the command line to automatically go to this tab.

The Items out tab displays a list of all items checked out to the Current Patron, allowing you to choose which items to renew or declare lost (Renew Patron Items <Ctrl+R> is also an Actions menu option). If one of the patron's items is past due and has accrued a fine, it will be listed in red.

Additional Options

Double-click a column heading to sort the list by that column. Transactions cannot be sorted by date, however.

Set Due Date

This function is sometimes referred to as an override date, which replaces the default due date normally used by the system.


Renews one item, or a range of selected items, at a time.

Renew All

Renews all of the current patron's items, even if your policies or circulation preferences indicate that renewing items with holds is disallowed.

Declare Lost

The selected items will be assigned to the Lost system patron.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Renew A Single Item

To renew a single item for a patron:

  1. Make the patron the current patron.
  2. Click on the Items out tab.
  3. Select/highlight/click the item that you would like to renew.
  4. Click on the Renew button.

Renew Multiple Items

To renew multiple items for a patron:

  1. Make the patron the current patron.
  2. Click on the Items out tab.
  3. Select the items to renew by using one of the following methods: 
    1. For consecutive items: Select the first item that you would like to renew, hold down the <shift> key and click on the last item in the group of desired items.
    2. For non-consecutive items: Hold down the <Ctrl> key and select/highlight/click on each item that you would like to renew.
  4. Click Renew.

Renew All Items

To renew all items:

  1. Make the patron the current patron.
  2. Click on the Items out tab.
  3. Click Renew All.

  • Renewals will be denied if the item is on hold.
  • If fines are charged, the fine window will open for each copy that is overdue.
  • If the maximum number of renewals has already been reached, Alexandria will ask if you wish to override the policies for each copy.

Items out (QE)

In the 7.19.10 release, the Renewals subtab was moved to a main tab and renamed Items out.

Type QE into the command line to automatically go to this tab.

The Items out tab displays a list of all items checked out to the Current Patron, allowing you to choose which items to renew or declare lost (Renew Patron Items <Ctrl+R> is also an Actions menu option). If one of the patron's items is past due and has accrued a fine, it will be listed in red.

Circulation Items out tab

Additional Options

Double-click a column heading to sort the list by that column. Transactions cannot be sorted by date, however.

Set Due Date

This function is sometimes referred to as an override date, which replaces the default due date normally used by the system.


Renews one item, or a range of selected items, at a time.

Renew All

Renews all of the current patron's items, even if your policies or circulation preferences indicate that renewing items with holds is disallowed.

Declare Lost

The selected items will be assigned to the Lost system patron.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Renew A Single Item

Renew Multiple Items

Renew All Items

  • Renewals will be denied if the item is on hold.
  • If fines are charged, the fine window will open for each copy that is overdue.
  • If the maximum number of renewals has already been reached, Alexandria will ask if you wish to override the policies for each copy.

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Circulation > Holds 

The Patron subtab shows items that have holds placed on them by the current patron.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Suspend a Hold

In some cases, you might wish to suspend a hold for a period of time. To do so:

  1. Click on the Patron subtab from the Holds tab.
  2. Select the item you wish to suspend and click Suspend. You will then be presented with a calendar window.
  3. From the Suspend Hold window, enter a date and click Save. The hold will be suspended until this date.

You cannot suspend in-stock/on-shelf holds.

Edit a Hold

In order to change the site copies can come from and the pickup location for a hold:

  1. Click on the Patron subtab from the Holds tab.
  2. Select the item you wish to edit and click Edit. You will be presented with a Edit Hold window.
  3. Choose the site copies can come from and the desired pickup location.
  4. Click Save.

You cannot edit in-stock/on-shelf holds.

Remove a Hold

In order to remove hold requests for the current item:

  1. Click on the Item subtab from the Holds tab. Removal of all current item hold requests are done here.
  2. To remove an item hold request, select the hold you want to remove and click Remove. You will then be presented with a window to confirm the removal of the hold.
  3. Click OK. The hold will vanish from the field and be permanently deleted.
Print a Holds Receipt

Click Print Receipt when viewing holds from either the Patron or Item subtabs.


The Patron subtab shows items that have holds placed on them by the current patron.

Circulation Holds tab Patron subtab

Step-by-Step Instructions

Suspend a Hold

In some cases, you might wish to suspend a hold for a period of time. To do so:

  1. Click on the Patron subtab from the Holds tab.
  2. Select the item you wish to suspend and click Suspend. You will then be presented with a calendar window.
  3. From the Suspend Hold window, enter a date and click Save. The hold will be suspended until this date.

You cannot suspend in-stock/on-shelf holds.

Edit a Hold

In order to change the site copies can come from and the pickup location for a hold:

  1. Click on the Patron subtab from the Holds tab.
  2. Select the item you wish to edit and click Edit. You will be presented with a Edit Hold window.
  3. Choose the site copies can come from and the desired pickup location.
  4. Click Save.

You cannot edit in-stock/on-shelf holds.

Remove a Hold

In order to remove hold requests for the current item:

  1. Click on the Item subtab from the Holds tab. Removal of all current item hold requests are done here.
  2. To remove an item hold request, select the hold you want to remove and click Remove. You will then be presented with a window to confirm the removal of the hold.
  3. Click OK. The hold will vanish from the field and be permanently deleted.
Print a Holds Receipt

There are two ways to print a holds receipt:

  1. When placing an item on hold, click Print at the bottom of the confirmation window.

     2. Click Print Receipt when viewing holds from either the Patron or Item subtabs.

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The Circulation window's Reservations tab has two modes: Patron reservations and Item reservations. You can access these different modes by clicking on the subtabs that horizontally cross the top of the Reservations pane.

Reservations differ from hold requests. A reservation checks out a specific copy in advance for a particular time. A hold request puts your name in a hold queue (a waiting list) to check out any item copy when it becomes available.

Use reservations when patrons want to check out items from the library for specified future dates. When patrons have item reservations, they are only available for checkout by the requesting patron during their specified dates. If another patron tries to check out an item during it's reservation period, Alexandria rejects the request or adjusts the date range to accommodate the reservation.

Reservations are shown on patron and item status reports. Unlike hold requests, reservations are placed on specific copies. If you have multiple copies of an item, you must place the reservation on one copy. Alexandria will automatically remove expired reservations.

You can also use reservations with the For Library Use patron (barcode 3) to ensure that an item is available for use in the library during a specified date range. For example, you can use the For Library Use patron to make reservations for all Thanksgiving books on November 15th through the 30th. No other patrons can check out Thanksgiving books while those reservation dates are active.

How to Place a Reservation in Librarian

Part 1: Pull up the Place Reservation dialog box

There are two circulation modes you could use to start placing a reservation:

  • Reservation (G): Places a reservation for the current patron on whichever item(s) you enter a barcode for or scan.
  • Reservation by Patron (GP): Places a reservation on the current item for whichever patron(s) you enter a barcode for or scan.

Alternatively, you could use one of these two circulation commands to automatically set the reservation once you enter the command (then you can skip Part 2):

  • Reservation for Any Copy: Places a reservation for the current patron on any available copy of the title for the specified date. The full formula is GA [barcode] -D [beginning date in mm/dd/yyyy format] : [ending date in mm/dd/yyyy].
  • Reservation for Specific Copy: Places a reservation for the current patron on the specified copy for the specified date. The full formula is GB [barcode] -D [beginning date in mm/dd/yyyy format] : [ending date in mm/dd/yyyy].
Part 2: Fill out the Place Reservation dialog box
  1. The Place Reservation dialog box will pop up. Here you will select the site, number of copies (or enter the copy barcode if you want one specific copy), how many days you need the reservation to last, and during which month you need the reservation. Your policies determine the maximum number of days allowed for a copy reservation and how many reservations patrons can place. If you have the proper security clearance, you can check the box to override these policy restrictions. To deactivate reservations, you can set the maximum number of days to “zero” in your policies.
  2. After you have made the appropriate selections, click Continue.

  3. A calendar will pop up. This is where you'll choose the specific date range for which you want to place the reservation. You can select days by clicking on the calendar itself or by clicking on a date range in the list to the right. Note that if you double click on a date range in the list, the reservation will be set and a confirmation will pop up. Reservations can begin only on open days but can end on closed days; if it does end on a closed day, the due date is actually the next open day. If there aren’t enough copies available for a date range, it will not show on the list.
  4. Click Reserve when you have selected the appropriate days. You could also click Cancel to stop making a reservation or Back to return to part one of the Place Reservation dialog box.

  5. A record of the reservation will show in the Transaction Log. It will also appear under the Reservations tab when the patron or item is current.

Reservations tab

The Circulation window's Reservations tab has two modes: Patron reservations and Item reservations. You can access these different modes by clicking on the subtabs that horizontically cross the top of the Reservations pane.

Reservations differ from hold requests. A reservation checks out a specific copy in advance for a particular time. A hold request puts your name in a hold queue (a waiting list) to check out any item copy when it becomes available.

Use reservations when patrons want to check out items from the library for specified future dates. When patrons have item reservations, they are only available for checkout by the requesting patron during their specified dates. If another patron tries to check out an item during it's reservation period, Alexandria rejects the request or adjusts the date range to accommodate the reservation.

Reservations are shown on patron and item status reports. Unlike hold requests, reservations are placed on specific copies. If you have multiple copies of an item, you must place the reservation on one copy. Alexandria will automatically remove expired reservations.

You can also use reservations with the For Library Use patron (barcode 3) to ensure that an item is available for use in the library during a specified date range. For example, you can use the For Library Use patron to make reservations for all Thanksgiving books on November 15th through the 30th. No other patrons can check out Thanksgiving books while those reservation dates are active.

How to Place a Reservation in Librarian

Part 1: Pull up the Place Reservation dialog box

There are two circulation modes you could use to start placing a reservation:

  • Reservation (G): Places a reservation for the current patron on whichever item(s) you enter a barcode for or scan.
  • Reservation by Patron (GP): Places a reservation on the current item for whichever patron(s) you enter a barcode for or scan.

Alternatively, you could use one of these two circulation commands to automatically set the reservation once you enter the command (then you can skip Part 2):

  • Reservation for Any Copy: Places a reservation for the current patron on any available copy of the title for the specified date. The full formula is GA [barcode] -D [beginning date in mm/dd/yyyy format] : [ending date in mm/dd/yyyy].
  • Reservation for Specific Copy: Places a reservation for the current patron on the specified copy for the specified date. The full formula is GB [barcode] -D [beginning date in mm/dd/yyyy format] : [ending date in mm/dd/yyyy].
Part 2: Fill out the Place Reservation dialog box
  1. The Place Reservation dialog box will pop up. Here you will select the site, number of copies (or enter the copy barcode if you want one specific copy), how many days you need the reservation to last, and during which month you need the reservation. Your policies determine the maximum number of days allowed for a copy reservation and how many reservations patrons can place. If you have the proper security clearance, you can check the box to override these policy restrictions. To deactivate reservations, you can set the maximum number of days to “zero” in your policies.
  2. After you have made the appropriate selections, click Continue.

  3. A calendar will pop up. This is where you'll choose the specific date range for which you want to place the reservation. You can select days by clicking on the calendar itself or by clicking on a date range in the list to the right. Note that if you double click on a date range in the list, the reservation will be set and a confirmation will pop up. Reservations can begin only on open days but can end on closed days; if it does end on a closed day, the due date is actually the next open day. If there aren’t enough copies available for a date range, it will not show on the list.
  4. Click Reserve when you have selected the appropriate days. You could also click Cancel to stop making a reservation or Back to return to part one of the Place Reservation dialog box.

  5. A record of the reservation will show in the Transaction Log. It will also appear under the Reservations tab when the patron or item is current.


 Circulation > Reservations > Patron

(patron subtab screenshot)

Edit a Reservation

Make sure the patron is current, select the reservation, and then click Edit. You can change the number of copies, the copy barcode, the site location, and the start/end dates. When you're done, click Reserve to save your changes. Please note that if you placed reservations on multiple copies, you will need to edit the reservation for each copy.


Click Print Receipt to view the reservation details, then either click Cancel to close the dialog or Print to print the receipt.

Remove a Patron Reservation

  1. Select Remove Patron Reservations from the Circulation window's main Actions menu.
  2. Alternately, you can click the Circulation window's Reservations tab and then click on the Patron reservations subtab; removal of all current patron reservations can be done from this subtab.
  3. A list of reservations for the current patron will be shown in the Patron reservations subtab field.
  4. To remove a patron reservation, select (highlight) the reservation you want to remove and click on Remove.
  5. The reservation will vanish from the field and be permanently deleted.

You cannot undo a remove you made to a reservation in this window. The only way to restore a reservation that was incorrectly removed is to place a new reservation for the patron.


Circulation Reservations tab Patron subtab

Edit a Reservation

Make sure the patron is current, select the reservation, and then click Edit. You can change the number of copies, the copy barcode, the site location, and the start/end dates. When you're done, click Reserve to save your changes. Please note that if you placed reservations on multiple copies, you will need to edit the reservation for each copy.


Click Print Receipt to view the reservation details, then either click Cancel to close the dialog or Print to print the receipt.

Remove a Patron Reservation


 Circulation > Reservations tab > Item subtab

(item subtab screenshot)

Edit a Reservation

Make sure the item is current, select the reservation, and then click Edit. You can change the number of copies, the copy barcode, the site location, and the start/end dates. When you're done, click Reserve to save your changes. Please note that if you placed reservations on multiple copies, you will need to edit the reservation for each copy.


Click Print Receipt to view the reservation details, then either click Cancel to close the dialog or Print to print the receipt.

Remove an Item Reservation

  1. Select Remove Copy Reservations from the Circulation window's main Actions menu.
  2. Alternately, you can click on the Circulation window's Reservations tab and then click on the Item reservations subtab; removal of all reservations for the current item can be done from this subtab.
  3. A list of patrons who have reservations for this copy will be shown in the Item reservations section of the Reservations tab.
  4. To remove a reservation, select (highlight) the patron you want to remove and click on Remove.
  5. You will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove the reservation. Click OK or Cancel.


Circulation Reservation tab Item subtab

Edit a Reservation

Make sure the item is current, select the reservation, and then click Edit. You can change the number of copies, the copy barcode, the site location, and the start/end dates. When you're done, click Reserve to save your changes. Please note that if you placed reservations on multiple copies, you will need to edit the reservation for each copy.


Click Print Receipt to view the reservation details, then either click Cancel to close the dialog or Print to print the receipt.

Remove an Item Reservation

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