September 9, 2022

You can introduce your students to the genres in your library in a variety of fun ways, like having them select a genre and read a book in it, present to the class about it (and even dress up to match!). But how can you make your catalog easy for genre searching?

Clean up your Genres 

Start by ensuring all the genres you library needs are set up and ready to have items assigned to it. Review Mystery, fantasy, classics—Adding genres for more information about adding genres to your catalog. 

If you have duplicate Genres, the quickest way to clean those up is with Authority Control.

Navigate to Tools > Authority Control > Titles > Genre. From here, you can double-click on any entry to edit it. You'll want to clean up this list so genres are easy for your patrons to understand and use. For example, do you have Sci-fi and Science Fiction? You don't need both. 

Lastly, you'll want to make sure all the items assigned to each genre are in the right place. You can review the titles by searching for a genre in Items Management using the advanced search function. (Currently genre is listed under ISBN/LCCN, but in the Makeover it can be found in the Publications tab.) Alternatively, run a Title Information by Subject/Genre report. Update genres as you go, or use the Change a MARC Tag utility to make changes across multiple titles.

Make your collection even more discoverable with Mitinet Add-ons. Contact Sales today at 1.800.347.6439 to ask about your options!

Show your students how to use Browse

In Researcher, your patrons can Browse by Genre. They can pick the exact genre and any similar genres; e.g. folk tales and fairy tales. 

Patrons can also Search and then filter the results by Genre

Let's get genrefying! As always, contact our Support team at with any questions. 

Meet Pasha, the Alexandria mascot! Read more here

The Makeover betas are here! Look in Circulation, Items, and Patrons for a purple alert button  at the top of your screen. That will take you to the Makeover beta in our demo where you can play around recklessly.