
The Circulation module is the Librarian's primary module, used to perform general library activities like checking books in and out, placing holds and reservations, processing fees, fines, payments, etc.

To log in directly, add /circulation to the end of your Alexandria URL.


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You can now view student pictures on the Homeroom tab by selecting the "pictures" box at the bottom. 

In addition, we added two columns: 

  • Items out, which is the total number of items the patron has checked out
  • Today, which lists the number of books checked out that day

Items Out 

The Items Out tab now includes the date the item was checked out. 


Information in the tabs like Charges have been broken up into columns to make them easier to read. 

Copy Statistic Dialog

The copy statistics dialogs in Circulation and Items were combined.

See our Alexandria Makeover page for more information about the changes and improvements!


Circulation includes a few important and distinct areas:


The Circulation module includes a few important and distinct areas:

In the 7.19.10 release, the Renewals subtab was moved to be a main tab and renamed Items out. Also, the History subtab (under the Charges tab) was renamed Payments.

Hover over or click on the items on the image below for more information.