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nameAbout Search with Scout

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Designed for Kids

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Scout is a fast and intuitive smart search tool designed with kids in mind. It's kind of like our KidPAC. Younger patrons

Search with Scout

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Scout is a super simple, supplementary search interface, engineered to return more relevant results, and conceptualized to stand out both in design and functionality. Scout was also created with touch interfaces in mind, which makes it a perfect interface for tablets such as the iPad.

Younger students love Scout's streamlined layout and intuitive display. Children are , because they're able to find records in Scout that they may have struggled locating in the Search or Explore interface; if a child can type, they can search. In addition, Scout what they're looking for without being confused or distracted by more advanced functions. Scout even filters out mediums that are irrelevant to children.Although initially designed for younger, the K-4 crowd, such as equipment, websites, dioramas, regalia, etc.

Students, teachers, and librarians alike patrons, people of all ages benefit from and enjoy using Scout. Having very few features and controls—librarians and teachers can appreciate how uncomplicated Scout is to use.

Scout is a fast, powerful, and intuitive “smart search” that returns real results in real time! However, don't let it's simplicity fool you!

Searching with Scout is different than searching with other Alexandria interfaces; there isn’t even a “search” button—just enter some text There isn't even a search button! Just enter a word or phrase into the search field, and Scout will start looking. Search for "dino" to get results for "dino", "dinosaur", and everything in between!


Scout performs a relevancy-based search with the most likely candidates returned first. There is no “sorting” of results, the items are returned as they are located; sorting any data would defeat the relevancy of the most likely results first. With Scout, an “exact match” takes priority over “begins with” matches and bias is shown towards titles, authors, series, and subjects before all other keywords. In fact, results with exact title and author matches are always displayed first, so the results retrieved are more relevant than those found using a pure keyword a fun, interactive search interface that gets the job done.

  • Log in to place an item on hold.
  • Search for a word or phrase, and Scout will return the most relevant results.
  • Scroll through your results, or click Image Added to load more.
  • Shrink or Grow your items for optimal viewing.
  • View an item's details by clicking on the book cover.

Mobile and Desktop Friendly

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Open Scout on a patron-facing tablet or computer to allow kids to search on their own! If they can type, they can search.

Typing “Harry Potter” will show books in the series first rather than titles that include the individual words “Harry” and/or “Potter” in the item record's Notes or other fields. Although Scout can't read minds, it comes fairly close. Unfortunately, some words aren’t as useful as others when searching; for example, typing the word “brown” will retrieve titles about the color brown, authors with the name Brown, followed by other, more superfluous “brown” results found in the item record's Notes or other fields.

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Scout's topmost header bar, which stretches across the top of the window, serves a few different purposes:

  • Language. This icon allows you to toggle Scout's default language between English (Inglés), Spanish (Español), and French (Français).
  • Site Name. This is the name of your selected site as pulled from your registration codes. You have the ability to change your Site Name from Alexandria's Sites Management window.
  • Hide/Show Out. This control toggles if materials currently checked out will be displayed or hidden from Scout’s search results. The default setting for this control can be set in your Scout preferences.
  • Online Support Center. Click the Help (?) button to access the Scout help section of our online Support Center.

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    As you begin typing in the Search bar, Scout will start to perform an immediate and automatic smart search (using the methods documented above). The <enter> key does not need to be pressed in order for the search to occur. If you type the letter “A” into the search bar, results will start to appear, showing the most relevant results that begin with the letter “A”. These results will continue to be refined as you enter more information into the Search bar.

    As you enter text, a Clear (“”) icon will appear in the right-hand section of the Search bar; clicking it will clear out any text entered into the field.

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    Search Results

    Scout results will appear in a row beneath the main Search bar; cover art will be displayed along with the item's title and call number prominently displayed without other, extraneous information. If you don't have cover art for your titles, the returned results won't as nice; however, our default medium images will be used for items lacking proper cover art.

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    At most, the Scout interface can return 100 results; exact matches are always displayed first.

    Scout results are prefiltered to only include books and eBooks. Items belonging to mediums such as equipment, websites, dioramas, regalia, etc., will not be included.

    A marker appears in the upper-left corner of the cover image indicating whether the book is available or checked out; eBooks always show as available.

    Clicking the large, blue arrows to the right or left of the results list will advance or recess the results one title at a time. If you click and hold, the results will continue to scroll smoothly in the direction of the arrow being pressed. In touch-supported browsers, you can simply finger-swipe through results.

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    Item Details

    When you select (click on) an item from the results list, a details box—simplified item details—will appear. If you click on other items in the results list while the details section is still active, the details box will slide to accommodate and the orange “up” arrow will transition to indicate the item being viewed. If you click on the large, blue arrows to the right or left of the results list, the details section will disappear.

    The Scout details include the Title, Author, Series and Series Volume, Call Number, Lexile, Publication Year, Study Program and Reading Level, Reading Points, and Summary; if the item is an eBook, a Link to the e-resource is included.

    Alexandria allows you to associate maps of your library with item call numbers; thus, if a map is available for an item in that call number range, a Show Map button appears at the bottom of the Scout details. When clicked, the associated library map appears in a roll-down; press OK to dismiss it.

    • Log In to place a hold on your patron account.

    • Status to view your patron account.
    • Show “Out” to show all items, or Hide “Out” to hide unavailable items.

    • Shrink your items to view more per row.

    • Grow your items to view fewer per row.

    • Language

      • English

      • Espanol

      • Francais


    Select a Site

    Do you want to search your local collection, or do you want to search all of the libraries in your district? Click the library name at the top of the window to make your selection.

    • All Sites. Search all of the sites in your union.

    • Select a Site. Opens the Select a Site window so you can choose which library Scout will search. The sites you can choose from depend on your permissions. In some cases, your local collection is the only option.


    Click the Image Added icon for on-board information about Scout.

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    Type a word or phrase into the search bar and Scout will return the most relevant results once you pause or hit Enter. Scout will refine your results as you refine your query.

    There's no need to sort your results—the most relevant items are returned first, and exact matches are given priority over other keywords. For example, a search for "Harry Potter" will return books in the series before titles that include the individual words "Harry" and/or "Potter" in the item record. Some search terms aren't as useful as others. Searching for "brown" will return results for titles that include the color brown, authors by the name of Brown, followed by more superfluous results.

    We'll let you know if there aren't any items that match your query, or if we found something but it's unavailable. Enter new search terms to try again.

    Want to search for something new? Click
     Image Added to clear your current search.

    Shrink and Grow

    The number of items you'll see in each row depend on your browser size and device. On a desktop, you'll see three-five items per row, but you might only see one on a smartphone. While viewing on a desktop or tablet, you can change the size of the book covers to view more or fewer items per row. Go to the menu and select Shrink to reduce the size of the book covers and view up to five items per row, or select Grow to increase the size of each book cover and view as few as three items per row. This option may not be available on a smaller device, such as a smartphone.


    Click the book cover to view the item's details, including the title, author, call number, series, and links. View an item's details by clicking on the book cover.


    Want to include more in your result details? Update your Scout Preferences to include additional information, including copyright year, Lexile, study program, and reading level.

    You can include additional information in your item details by updating your library’s Scout preferences. Additional information includes copyright year, Lexile, study program, and reading level.

    Click on an item, and the bubble opens up in the row below, shoving the other bubbles down, to show all the details. Clicking the item cover art again (in either location) or clicking another item hides the details for this one.

    Image Added Place an item on hold, but don't forget to log in first!

    Image Added Locate the item on a map.

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    nameResults List

    Scout Search Results List

    Show in Results Details 

    These preferences toggle the visibility of the specified data in the item details in the Scout interface. For example, if Copyright Year is checked, the Copyright Year appears in Scout's item details.

    • Show Copyright Year. When checked, the Scout interface will include an item's copyright year (if available) in Scout's item details.
    • Show Lexile. When checked, the Scout interface will include an item's Lexile information (taken from the 521 tag, if available) in Scout's item details.
    • Show Study Program. This preference determines whether your preferred Study Program information will appear in Scout's search result details. The study program shown is determined by the Preferred Study Program setting. Your study program information must be entered correctly in the 521 ( ; Fountas & Pinnell) or 526 ( ; Accelerated Reader and Reading Counts) tags; applicable study program information is generally stored in the 526_c tag. Reading level information can be accessed and modified in the Study Program subtab of Items Management. This preference ignores Lexile information; that value is displayed independently, determined by the Show Lexile preference (above).
    • Show Reading Level. When checked, a reading program point indicator will appear in Scout's item details.
    Default Visibility 

    This preference toggles the default state of the Hide/Show Out control in the Scout interface. For example, if Hide Out is selected, all materials currently checked out will be hidden from Scout's search results.

    • Hide unavailable items in Scout's search results
    Show unavailable items in Scout's search results