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Trending FAQs

Here are the most common questions recently answered by Customer Support!

titleWhat is Clever and/or GG4L integration and how does it work?

Clever is a third-party service used by school districts to facilitate the secure transfer of student rosters between their school information system (SIS) and digital learning applications. Global Grid for Learning (GG4L) is a K-12 industry collaborative that provides schools with various EdTech tools, including the secure exchange of school roster data between applications.

These programs access information from a district’s SIS such as Powerschool, Infinite Campus or Skyward and then work when set up with Alexandria to import and update patron information. Usually these services are managed at the district level and synced in Alexandria sites with IT personnel and our Customer Support assistance. Depending on the needs of each school, the decision to use one or the other is decided by the school administration before adding the services to the Alexandria license.

titleHow do I see how many total books are in our collection?

Click on the ‘?’ Icon in the top right corner of Alexandria, and select ‘About Alexandria’. This will give you a total number of items and patrons currently in your catalog, and also tell you how many you are allowed to have based on your license.

titleI haven’t printed barcode labels in a while. When I went to do this, I went to Operations and then Labels. It took me to the support center. What am I doing wrong?

The “Labels” tab is not currently functioning, it is there to inform our customers in the future we will be changing the way you will access labels. Until we have made this change, you will want to access labels through the “Reports” Tab. 

  1. Go to Operations
  2. Select Reports
  3. Choose Categories: Copies

4. Click on Copy Labels (3x10) -- Barcode Labels, Envelope Labels, Info Labels

titleWe are troubleshooting our student import and using FTP/ FTPS. How do we confirm the settings?

Q- We are troubleshooting our student import and using FTP/ FTPS. How do we confirm the settings?

A- Alexandria can use an FTP or FTPS import, which is set up by saving a Patron Import. Once the saved import is created, you will have additional tabs for settings including a File Source tab. The file source tab will include the settings for FTP or FTPS. If you are using FTPS you must set the port to 990 and make sure that the connection is confirmed using the “Test Connection” button. 

If you need help troubleshooting you can refer to this Support Link or call Companion Customer Support for assistance. 

Saved Patron Import

titleHow do I add a new Librarian or Operator in Alexandria so they can check out books to students?

Librarians, students, staff, and admins are all added into the system as patrons, but have different levels of access based on their Security Group. We  have a wonderful video that walks through how to add a new operator. We also recommend reviewing our Security Best Practices to ensure organized operator records and seamless access.

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titleWhat are the Integrated Email Services in my email preferences?

Introducing Integrated Email Services for Alexandria and Textbook Tracker. Leave behind the headache of managing your own server, or trusting some external source—we can handle and send all of your Alexandria emails for you. Call us today at 1.800.347.6439 to discuss if this is the best option for your library. 

titleI have forgotten or lost my password over the summer. Help! How do I log in?

Don’t worry, we have your back, but we take security very seriously, even for your library catalog. The first step to take when you cannot log into an Alexandria website is to try using the password reset option. Alexandria can send a link to the user email so long as an email has been entered for the login account. The second alternative is to ask if anyone else has credentials or access. This may even be someone at the district level. There is usually a person in charge that has access to your school site(s) and can help you get started by creating an administrative account!

If neither of the above are options then we can provide access, but we will need to make sure that the person requesting access should have access to the site. We will require that any applicant include a notarized identity verification which we will keep on file. This process may take up to 48 hours so patience is a must. See Password Management Best Practices.

titleHow does our school or district go about protecting user access while also providing more than one way of logging into sites?

We have written up a best practices support page that outlines the steps that should be taken to ensure that all users of our programs have access from trusted sources and also access to backup methods in case passwords are forgotten or staff changes are necessary. See Password Management Best Practices.

titleWe have a new librarian replacing one who left. How do they get a login for Alexandria?

According to new security protocols to protect privacy, a password for access can only be sent to the contact listed as the Primary. Anyone who is not listed as the primary can be edited to become the primary if the former staff in that position is no longer associated with the institution. This can take some time, so any customer who does not have access to Alexandria and needs to be issued a temporary password should expect a brief wait while their contact status is updated. 

We have taken these new policy steps to ensure that only those who should have access to a site can be granted access. 


titleI'm converting my library from Mac to Windows. Will my Macintosh scanner work on my Windows system?

Most Macintosh scanners can be used on a Windows machine with an adapter. Our customers use a wide variety of scanners so it's not possible to address this question globally. Please contact our Support department at 1-800-347-4942 for help to determine if your scanner could be used on a Windows computer.

titleHow can I get rid of the alert pop up letting me know that I am over my license limit in Alexandria?

First, check your License Info by going to topnav > About Alexandria. to see where your numbers are. Then Clean Up Your Data with our guides. If you still need more space, it’s time to contact Sales at and upgrade your account. 

titleHow do I log in to Alexandria?

Check out Accessing Alexandria for more information.

titleWhat is Operations Management?
Operations Management is where you can access the reports you run, along with the results of Exports, Imports, and Utilities. To access Operations Management, click on the wrench icon in the top right corner of the circulation screen.
titleWhere can I find my serial number?

Your Alexandria serial number is located in the following places:

  • /admin > Status

  • Circulation > Special tab > License Info
  • Image Added

  • MAKEOVER: topnav > help menu > About Alexandria
  • Image Added

If you you're having trouble locating it or cannot access these locations, check with your library administrator.

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Inventory FAQs

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Make your inventory quick, easy, and extremely efficient.

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Reports FAQs

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pageReports Workshop

Learn how to make the most of report templates.

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Items FAQs

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pageItems Management Workshop

Maintain a clean and searchable catalog.
