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Tools > Utilities > Titles > Catalog


Most of these utilities are meant for simple and straightforward MARC record changes. For more complex situations, we recommend using one of our Mitinet services or manually modifying records in Alexandria or via a text editor.

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nameAdd a MARC Tag

Add a MARC Tag

Adds a specific MARC tag to selected titles

titleMore information

If an author or series name is commonly misspelled, you can add another MARC tag with the misspelling. That way, the title will still show up in Researcher results even if the search criteria are misspelled.


Add a MARC Tag utility Selections tab


Add a MARC Tag utility Options

Add Tag_Subfield (e.g. 700_a): Specify the tag and subfield to be added; both are required.

Value to Add: Specify the value to be added. It will be added exactly as entered.

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nameChange a MARC Tag

Change a MARC Tag

Changes a specific MARC tag for selected titles

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Run this utility to change your series titles. For example, if you wanted to change a series title from "The Hunger Games trilogy" to "The Hunger Games," you would enter these options before running the utility:

  • Change Tag_Subfield: 830_a
  • From: The Hunger Games trilogy
  • To: The Hunger Games

Check out our Cataloging Series and Serials article for more information on series and why it's important to standardize them.


Change a MARC Tag utility Selections tab


Change a MARC Tag utility Options tab

Change Tag_Subfield (e.g. 700_a): Specify the tag and subfield you want to change; both are required.

From: Enter the value to change, which must match exactly. If this value is left blank, no changes will occur. Entering a value of * (asterisk) allows the tag to change no matter what the actual value is.

To: Enter the new value for the specified tag. 

Look for From value anywhere in tag: When enabled, a match is made if the field being changed contains the value anywhere in it and then only that value will be updated. For example, if is in the tag being changed and you run the utility with "amazon" as the From value and "barnesandnoble" as the To value, the result would be

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nameChange Series Volume

Change Series Volume

Makes series volumes uniform and easy to sort by converting the volume number to a padded three digit number and adding a prefix (for example, "bk1" would be converted to "Book 001")

titleMore information

Check out our Cataloging Series and Serials article for more information on series volumes and why it's important to catalog them correctly.


Run this utility to standardize all of your series' volumes, which will make it easier for patrons to find what they're looking for in Researcher. Here's an example of how you could run this utility to standardize the volume numbers of your Harry Potter series:

  • Selections – Titles in the Series: Harry Potter
  • Options – Add Volume Prefix: HP
  • Results: HP 001, HP 002, HP 003, etc.

Change Series Volume utility Selections tab


Change Series Volume utility Options tab

Add Volume Prefix: Specify the prefix you would like to add before the volume number. If you leave the this field blank, no prefix will be added. Numbers, letters, and standard symbols are accepted.

Data Conversions

How will your old volume numberings convert? Here are some before and after examples using the prefix "Book." Examples that don't convert well are in pink, and the ones that don't change are in blue.


Book 1

Book 001

V. 1

Book 001


Book 012


Book 100


Book 001


Book 001

Vol. # twenty

Book 020

Vol 1234

Book 1234


Book 001

# 1

Book 001





Book 012


Book 012


Book 102


This utility can't change everything. If the 830_v field is nonsense or something Alexandria can't identify, the results will also be nonsense.

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nameCreate Genre MARC Tag

Create Genre MARC Tag

Creates a 655_a tag using information in any existing 650_v tag for selected titles

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Researcher uses the 655_a tag to display and search by genre, so it's important to have genres listed there. The 650_v tag is sometimes used for genre but is considered outdated.


Run this utility if you have imported new MARC records that only list the genre in the 650_v tag. 


Create Genre MARC Tag utility Selections tab

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nameFix Series

Fix Series

Looks at the series title and volume in 490_a and 490_v and copies those values to 830_a and 830_v for records without an existing 830 tag

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Alexandria uses the 830 tag for series searches in Researcher, so it's important for your series information to be in that tag.


Check out our Cataloging Series and Serials article for more information on the series tag and how to catalog it properly.


Run this utility if you have imported new MARC records with series information in the 490 tag instead of the 830 tag.


Fix Series utility Selections tab

There aren't any selections or options, so it will run on all of your titles.

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nameMitinet AnalyzeMARC
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Register for one of our Mitinet services to get access to this utility!

Mitinet AnalyzeMARC

Sends your MARC data to Mitinet for analyzing and returns a diagnostics report

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  • This utility will run for all sites in your system and cannot be scheduled.
  • You can run this utility up to four times a year, but we recommend doing it once a year (during summer or winter break). Read about other BestMARC Best Practices!

Run this utility to identify areas in your MARC records that can be improved with a Mitinet cleanup 

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(Mitinet MARC Update) or the Mitinet EnhanceMARC utility.


Mitinet AnalyzeMARC utility Selections tab

Accessing the Diagnostics Report

Although the process is generally fast, it could take up to 24 hours to receive your report. To find it, go to  Operations Management and make sure Show All Operations is selected at the top. Look for the operation titled Mitinet AnalyzeMARC Report and click on its  summary file. The file will contain a link to your report.

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View an example of a diagnostics report!

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nameMitinet BestMARC
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Register for one of our Mitinet services to get access to this utility!

Mitinet BestMARC

Sends selected records to your BestMARC account for analysis, enhancement, and editing

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  • In order for this utility to work, you need to link your BestMARC and Alexandria accounts in BestMARC Preferences.
  • This utility will run for all sites in your system.
  • We recommend running this utility once a year (during summer or winter break). Read about other BestMARC Best Practices!

Run this utility when you want to use BestMARC's advanced tools to clean up and update your MARC records. You can even add new records while in BestMARC. When you are finished in BestMARC, you’ll simply check a box to Send to Alexandria, and the records return to Alexandria in the background. This will improve your catalog's quality and searchability!


Here are a few things to keep in mind while you use this utility:

  • We recommend working with the records in BestMARC immediately after sending them from Alexandria. You'll also want to send them back to Alexandria as soon as possible and then remove them from BestMARC. This minimizes the chance someone made changes in Alexandria in the meantime and will also help you avoid confusion later when you import different records.
  • If you add copies while in BestMARC, you need to make sure the site matches and the barcode is not already being used in Alexandria.

Mitinet BestMARC utility's Selections tab

Select which records to send to your BestMARC account.


Mitinet BestMARC utility's Options tabImage Modified

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Choose how you would like to clean up and enhance your MARC records with these options in Alexandria or from your BestMARC account. Convert to RDA, add reading program information, update subjects, and more! See BestMARC's Enhancements documentation for more information on each option.


We do not recommend using the Update Punctuation option as it's unnecessary in Alexandria and records look better without it. Note that if you decide not to use this option, you may notice unresolved punctuation errors in your AnalyzeMARC diagnostic. That's okay.

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nameMitinet EnhanceMARC
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Register for one of our Mitinet services to get access to this utility!

Mitinet EnhanceMARC

Enhances and updates your library's MARC records

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  • This utility will run for all sites in your system.
  • Although you may run this utility up to five times a month, it's recommended that you only do so once a month. Read about other BestMARC Best Practices!
  • Usually this utility runs quickly, but it may take up to 24 hours to complete. Check its status in  Operations Management (make sure Show All Operations is selected at the top). There may be several related operations that will show as in progress until they're complete. The Mitinet EnhanceMARC Import Summary's  summary file will link to relevant files.

Run this utility once a quarter to quickly clean up and update your MARC records. This will improve your catalog's quality and searchability!


Before you run this utility for the first time, get a diagnostics report on your MARC records with the Mitinet AnalyzeMARC utility. Then you can get a better idea of what needs to be changed.


Mitinet EnhanceMARC utility's Selections tab

Select which records to update.


Mitinet EnhanceMARC utility's Options tab

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Use these options to choose how you would like to clean up and enhance your MARC records. Convert to RDA, add reading program information, update subjects, and more! See BestMARC's Enhancements documentation for more information on each option.


We do not recommend using the Update Punctuation option as it's unnecessary in Alexandria and records look better without it. Note that if you decide not to use this option, you may notice unresolved punctuation errors in your AnalyzeMARC diagnostic. That's okay.

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nameRemove a MARC Tag

Remove a MARC Tag

Removes a specific MARC tag from selected titles

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Remove a MARC Tag utility Selections tab


Remove a MARC Tag utility Options tab

Remove Tag_Subfield: Specify the tag and—optionally—a subfield to remove. If you only specify a tag, everything in that tag will be removed instead of just one subfield.

Matching: Specify a value to remove. If left blank, the utility will remove the specified tag or subfield regardless of its value. However, if a value is supplied, then only tags or subfields that match exactly will be removed. This field is not case sensitive.

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nameSwitch a MARC Tag

Switch a MARC Tag

Changes a specified MARC tag number to another MARC tag number for selected titles

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Run this utility to change a tag number if you find information is mistakenly stored under another tag. For example, you notice the 500 tag in some of your title records contains the series, which should be in the 830 tag. Instead of manually fixing this, simply run this utility with "500" as the From tag and "830" as the To tag on the Options tab. This will change all of your 500 tags to 830 tags for selected titles.


Switch a MARC Tag utility Selections tab


Switch a MARC Tag utility Options tab

Switch Tag Number From: Specify the tag number to change. Individual subfields can't be switched, only the entire tag. Any tags that are invalid for the new tag specified will be removed during validation.

To: Specify the new tag number.