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Self Hosting

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

When Alexandria is Self Hosted, you are responsible for setting up and maintaining your own installation and operations, including DNS access, system updates, and backing up your data.

  • You are in control of the system and its database(s).
  • You allocate the IT staff, server facilities, and operating system platforms.
  • You schedule and perform software updates.
  • You institute a secure backup strategy and resolve network connection issues.
  • You make provisions for the up-front and ongoing maintenance costs of computer hardware.

If you're looking for something with less maintenance, you may want to consider Cloud Hosting. For more information, contact your sales representative. It's probably more affordable than you think!

Getting Started

If you've decided on Self Hosting, it's time to get it up and running. Use the Getting Started Guide and the articles below to prepare to automate your library with Alexandria. Once installed, it's best to have Alexandria open and active as you follow along, so everything makes sense.