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Search Results Details

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

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Brief Details

The default view of the results list is the Brief (i.e. collapsed) Details panel; it contains the item Call Number, Title, Author, Publisher, Medium, Series, Genre, Study Program information, and limited Availability information (e.g. OFFSITE or OUT) for all titles that match your search criteria in the order that they were discovered.


Click the triangle icon in the top right corner to expand the item details to show the item summary, ISBN, subject, genre, links, notable awards, etc. Expanding item details will not clear your current search results. Clicking the Expand icon a second time will collapse the Expanded Details and return you to the truncated Brief Details.

View Links

Any links (856 tags) for this title will be displayed under the genre. You can change the order in which the links are displayed in the title record. Only the first link is displayed in the item details; click View Links to see the rest.

Expanded Details


Selecting items from the Results List will visually accentuate them; their titles will turn orange and the ability to tag information becomes available. If Full Details (or parts thereof) are enabled in your site-based Search preferences, clicking the title name (e.g. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”) allows you to view Full Details for the selected item.

You can select multiple items within the results list by holding the <cmnd> (Macintosh) or <ctrl> (Windows) key and clicking on titles in any order. Or you can click on a title, hold the <shift> key, and click another title to select the entire range. Once you have selected your title(s), you may click and then drag the items into the My Lists icon.

Place Reservation

Allows you to select the date range for the reservation. If you're not logged in, you will be asked to log in before the reservation can be placed. This button will only appear if your Show Reservation Controls preference is enabled.

Place Hold

Allows you to place the item on hold. If you're not logged in, you will be asked to log in before the hold can be placed. This button will only appear if your Show Hold Controls preference is enabled.

Add to List

Allows you to add the selected search result to a user-created Saved List or the system Temp List. If you're not currently logged in, you can only add items to the Temp List. Click Create Saved List to start a new list with the currently selected item.

Share Title

Share the title or titles you've selected with others. From the Share Title window, copy the URL from the dialog to your operating system clipboard, and then paste it into an email, bulletin board, document, or instant message. If you want to save it for later, click Create and Share a Saved List.


View a map of where the title is located. If a map is not available or one hasn't been associated with the title's call number range, the map button will not appear in the control bar. If your Show Map Icon preference is disabled, the Maps button will not appear.


Click the bookmark icon next to information (e.g. authors, title, etc.) to add, or bookmark, the term to the Tags dropdown menu in the search bar. You can select a bookmark from the Tags menu to run a new search using that term. You can tag up to 25 selections before the oldest are dropped from the list. Tags are only available for the current session and are cleared when the browser is reset or refreshed. Hold down the Alt / Option key while clicking on a tag to perform a search with that term immediately.

Full Details

In Brief or Expanded Details, click the book title to view the complete record for a selected item in your Results List. The Full Details dialog is large, but scrollable—allowing you to examine all the MARC data stored in the selected title record. The more information that an item record contains, the more will be displayed in Full Details—perfect for those who just have to see everything!

You can set your Search preferences to determine whether or not to show the Full Details (per site). Additionally, you can configure your Search preferences to only show MARC tags 0-10 and/or 900-999.

View Full MARC Record

If your site-based Search preferences allow viewing MARC records, the View Full MARC Record link appears at the bottom of the Full Details dialog; once clicked, it will open a new tab in your default browser containing a text-only version of the selected title (the Microlif record) in MicroLIF or MARC format. You can print it, save it, or copy information into any other word processing window using standard operating system editing functions.


Clicking on the Amazon graphic link (shown below) will open the website in a new browser tab with the closest possible match based on the item's ISBN/ISSN. If your Show Link to preference is disabled, the Amazon button will not appear. The Amazon button will not appear if the title record is lacking a valid ISBN/ISSN.


Close the dialog.

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The Copies pane provides you with a list containing detailed information about each copy associated with the main title record; it also tells you how many items are available, currently placed on hold, etc.

  • If you're part of Union, the Show All Sites checkbox allows you to see copies for the selected title across all locations.
  • Shows copies at this location, their call number, barcode, status, and due date.
  • If a copy has a map associated with its copy call number range, a Map link will be available.

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If you've correctly provided NoveList system preference information, your results list Details will include the NoveList pane, where NoveList content is displayed as it is retrieved from their servers.

You can maximize the NoveList pane to display more content at one time. When maximized, you can click Close to minimize the pane.

NoveList information is broken down into five distinct categories.

Books in This Series

In this section, books in the series are displayed in a row of cover art; six titles can be displayed at a time with additional titles available by clicking (more).

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NoveList will suggest similar titles that are popular and score highly. When a suggested title is available in your collection, the title will appear underlined in blue; clicking on the title will perform a new search for that title.

    • Series. NoveList-suggested titles in the same series; allows patrons to like or dislike the suggestion and give feedback as to why.
    • Titles. Similar titles suggested by NoveList; allows patrons to like or dislike the suggestion and give feedback as to why.
    • Authors. Similar Authors is just a list of authors; allows patrons to like or dislike the suggestion and give feedback as to why.

Why This Title Appeals to Readers

Appeal terms describe the “feel” of the book; they are a signature feature of NoveList and help readers find books that have the “style” that they prefer. Appeal factors help readers decide whether or not a book fits their style or mood. What is “heartwarming” to one reader may be saccharine to another; what is “mildly funny” to you may be quite offensive to others. NoveList's “vocabulary of appeal” terms significantly enhances searches and recommendations for authors, titles, and series.

Reader Reviews and Ratings

NoveList incorporates ratings and reviews from Goodreads, the world's largest user-populated database of books, annotations, and reviews. Readers express their personal opinions to help others find and share books they love by adding books to their personal bookshelves, seeing what their friends and authors are reading, participating in discussion boards, and getting suggestions for future reading choices based on their reviews of previously read books. Although Goodreads respects the rights of individuals to express themselves, they don't tolerate abusive behavior or explicit language.

Reading Level

NoveList's catalog enrichment provides patrons with relevant reading level information such as Lexiles. This makes it easy to find just the right books that match each reader's interests and reading level.