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Copies Utilities

Last Updated: $action.dateFormatter.formatDateTime($content.getLastModificationDate())

Add Copy Notes

Adds a Copy or Alert note to selected copies

The new note will append to the end of the note field.

Copy Notes are automatically added when a copy is lost, found, discarded, or returned from being discarded.


Add Copy Notes utility Selections tab


Add Copy Notes utility Options tab

Add Note: Type the note you would like to add.

Note Type: Choose the type of note to add.

Replace Existing Notes: When checked, this option removes all existing notes of the chosen type and completely replaces them with what's in the Add Note field.

Change Copy Call Numbers

Changes various components of selected copy call numbers (prefixes, case, slashes, and matching to title call numbers)

Check out Keep it straight—Title vs Copy Call Number to learn the difference between title and copy call numbers.

  • Librarians can use this utility to change call numbers to their preferred style.
  • Use this utility to help genrefy your library's collection.
  • If a school district comes out with new standards, librarians can use this utility to quickly reorganize their collection. 
  • Use this utility to clean up differences between title and copy call numbers.

Change Copy Call Numbers utility Selections

Copies with a Genre of: This selection includes all terms that look similar. For example, a selection for "Fantasies" would also include "Fantasy."


Change Copy Call Numbers utility Options

Change Call #

No Change: Choose this option if you don't want to make any prefix changes.

Add prefix: Appends the new prefix entered into the Add field to the front of selected call numbers. If adding a prefix results in exceeding the 50 character limit, that call number will be skipped.

Remove prefix: Removes the text entered into the Remove field from selected call numbers. Additional spaces are removed as well if there are still characters left.

Replace prefix: Replaces the existing call number entered into the Replace field with the new call number entered into the with field. The Replace field isn't case sensitive (e.g. "fiC" would replace both "FIC" and "fic"). If replacing a prefix results in exceeding the 50 character limit, that call number will be skipped.

Match Copy to Title Call Number: Changes selected copies' call numbers to match the title call number.

Removing and replacing only affect the first word of a call number. For example, if the original call number is "FIC BIO," you could change "FIC" to "P" but not just "F" to "P." Also, you could change "FIC" to "P" but not "BIO" to "P."

Change Case

No Change: Choose this option if you don't want to make any case changes.

All Letters Uppercase: e.g. FIC BIO

All Letters Lowercase: e.g. fic bio

First Letter Uppercase: e.g. Fic Bio

Remove Slashes

When checked, this option will remove all forward slashes ("/").

Change Copy Condition

 Textbook Tracker

Changes the condition of selected copies

You can customize your library's condition codes in Preferences > Codes > Condition Codes. Usually these are used to indicate if copies are new or used. But they can also be used to add ratings for movies and graphic novels.


Change Copy Condition utility Selections tab


Change Copy Condition utility Options tab

Change Condition to: Specify the new condition you would like selected copies to have.

Change Copy Location

Textbook Tracker

Changes the location (852_b MARC tag) of selected copies

"Copy Location" is a localization term that can be altered in Terminology Preferences.

  • Run this utility if you use the Copy Location field and have physically moved copies to new locations.
  • Run this utility with the Copies in Call Number Range or Copies with a policy of selections if you need to add locations based on call number or policy/genre. 

Change Copy Location utility Selections tab


Change Copy Location utility Options tab

Change Copy Location to: Specify the new location you would like selected copies to have.

Change Copy Policy

Textbook Tracker

Changes the policy of selected copies

If you would like to update the due dates for checked out items based on the new policies, you will need to run the Recompute Due Dates utility after this utility.


Run this utility if you've made changes to your policies and they differ by site. However, if your policies are the same across all of your sites, use the Change Title Policy utility instead.


Change Copy Policy utility Selections tab


Change Copy Policy utility Options tab

Match copy to its title policy: When selected, the utility will change copy policies to match that of the title.

Change Policy to: Specify the new policy you would like selected copies to have.

Change Copy Shelving

Textbook Tracker

Changes the shelving (852_c MARC tag) of selected copies

"Copy Shelving" is a localization term that can be altered in Terminology Preferences.


Change Copy Shelving utility Selections tab


Change Copy Shelving utility Options tab

Change Copy Shelving to: Specify the new shelving you would like selected copies to have.

Change Copy Site

Textbook Tracker

Changes the site (852_a MARC tag) of selected copies


Run this utility if you have moved a bunch of copies to a different site or have accidentally imported copies to the wrong site.


Change Copy Site utility Selections tab


Change Copy Site utility Options tab

New Site: Specify the new site you would like selected copies to belong to.

Change Funding Source

Textbook Tracker

Changes the funding source of selected copies

"Funding Source" is a localization term that can be altered in Terminology Preferences.


Run this utility with the Copies added selection after importing new items to add a funding source. You can then run yearly usage reports for donors and other sources.


Change Funding Source utility Selections tab


Change Funding Source utility Options tab

Change Funding Source to: Specify the new funding source you would like selected copies to have.

Change Purchase Cost

Textbook Tracker

Changes the purchase cost of selected copies

There are four options when changing the purchase cost amount:

  • Change Purchase Cost to: Completely replaces the old purchase cost with the new value
  • Change Purchase Cost by [ ] $: Adds the old purchase cost to the new value
    • e.g. old value ($10) + new value ($8) = $18
  • Change Purchase Cost by [ ] %: Adds the old purchase cost to the old value times the entered percentage
    • e.g. old value ($10) + (old value ($10) * percentage (100%)) = $20
  • Match to Replacement Cost: Changes each selected copy's purchase cost to its replacement cost.

Run this utility if you need to add purchase costs for inventory purposes or originally entered the wrong information.


Change Purchase Cost utility Selections tab


Change Purchase Cost utility Options tab

Change Replacement Cost

Textbook Tracker

Changes the replacement cost of selected copies

There are four ways to change the replacement cost amount on the Options tab:

  • Change Replacement Cost to: Completely replaces the old replacement cost with the new value
  • Change Replacement Cost by ___ Dollars: Adds the old replacement cost to the new value
    • e.g. old value ($10) + new value ($8) = $18
  • Change Replacement Cost by __ %: Adds the old replacement cost to the old value times the entered percentage
    • e.g. old value ($10) + (old value ($10) * percentage (100%)) = $20
  • Match to Purchase Cost: Changes the old replacement cost to match the copy's purchase cost
  • Run one of these utilities if you need to add replacement costs for reporting/fine purposes or had originally entered the wrong information.
  • If you would like to set your replacement cost a certain amount over the purchase cost for a group of copies, first run this utility to set the replacement cost to the purchase cost. Then run it again and add X amount to the replacement cost.

Change Replacement Cost utility Selections tab


Change Replacement Cost utility Options tab

Change Vendor

Changes the vendor of selected copies


Change Vendor utility Selections tab


Change Vendor utility Options tab

Change Vendor to: Specify the new vendor you would like selected copies to have.

Check Out

Checks out selected copies to the specified patron or system patron

Note that this utility will check the copies out even if a) the patron has reached their policy limit or b) the item was checked out to a different patron before. Reference the summary file after you run this operation in order to review any of these important details.


Check Out utility Selections tab


Check Out utility Options tab

Check out to patron barcode: Specify the barcode of the patron to whom you would like to check out selected copies.

Check out to: Specify the system patron to whom you would like to check out selected copies.

Declare Checked Out Copies Lost

  Textbook Tracker

Declares as lost (checked out to System Patron 1) selected copies that are currently checked out to patrons

  • Run this utility at the end of the school year to declare all items that were never returned as lost.
  • Use the Patrons with a Policy of selection if you only want to declare copies lost for certain patrons. For example, you may want to exclude teachers when running this utility at the end of the year.

Declare Checked Out Copies Lost utility Selections tab


Declare Checked Out Copies Lost utility Options tab

Declare Missing Copies Discarded

Declares as discarded (checked out to System Patron 2) all selected copies with an Available status that have not been inventoried since the specified Inventory Start Date


Declare Missing Copies Discarded utility Selections tab

Inventory Start Date: Enter an inventory date in MM/DD/YYYY format. This field is required.

Declare Missing Copies Lost

Textbook Tracker

Declares as lost (checked out to System Patron 1) all selected copies with an Available status that have not been inventoried since the specified Inventory Start Date


Declare Missing Copies Lost utility Selections tab

Inventory Start Date: Enter an inventory date in MM/DD/YYYY format. This field is required.

This utility is only available to those with a Centralized Catalog.

Reassign Union Site Copies

Moves selected copies from the Union Site to the specified site

Union Site copies always maintain a status of In Processing. Even when you move those copies, they will still have the In Processing status. Bookdrop your recently moved copies or run the Check In Processing Copies utility to change their status to Available.

  • Run this utility if you accidentally imported items with an invalid site code and need to move those copies to the intended site.
  • If you purposely use the Union Site to store In Processing copies, run this utility when those copies have been processed and need to be moved.

Reassign Union Site Copies utility Selections tab

Copies added: Enter the date range or relative date of when the copies you would like to reassign were added.


Reassign Union Site Copies utility Options tab

New Site: Specify the site to which you'd like to move the Union Site copies.

Remove Archived Copies

Textbook Tracker

Removes selected copies that have been archived (checked out to System Patron 6


Run this utility to clean out old records if you're approaching your item limit.


Remove Archived Copies utility Selections tab

Copies Archived: Select copies by date range to ensure that only copies archived a long time ago are removed.


Remove Archived Copies utility Options tab

Remove Titles with No Copies: When checked, this option also removes remaining title records with no other copies once the archived copies are removed.

Remove Copies

Textbook Tracker: Remove Textbook Copies

Removes selected copy records

There are three ways to handle copies that are checked out:

  • Declare Lost. The copies are declared lost and patrons are charged appropriately.
  • Remove. The copies are removed. CAUTION: There will be no record of the copies being checked in if you choose this option.
  • Keep. The copies will not be removed if they are checked out.

Remove Copies utility Selections tab


Remove Copies utility Options tab

Remove Titles with No Copies: When checked, this option also removes remaining title records with no other copies once the selected copies are removed.

Checked Out Copies: Choose what to do with copies that are currently checked out.

Remove Copy History

Removes the check out history of selected copies 

What kind of copy history does this utility remove? Everything in the Previous checkouts section of a copy's statistics is cleared. However, the Checkout Count remains the same, and nothing in the copy record—including notes—is removed.


Remove Copy History utility Selections tab

Remove Copy Notes

Removes all notes of the specified type for selected copies


Run this utility to remove outdated notes a past librarian added to various copies.


Remove Copy Notes utility Selections tab


Remove Copy Notes utility Options tab

Note Type: Specify the type of note to remove from selected copies.

Remove Discarded Copies

Textbook Tracker

Removes selected copies that have been discarded (checked out to System Patron 2)


Run this utility to clean out old records if you're approaching your item limit.


Remove Discarded Copies utility Selections tab

Copies Discarded: Select copies by date range to ensure that only copies discarded a long time ago are removed.


Remove Discarded Copies utility Options tab

Remove Titles with No Copies: When checked, this option also removes remaining title records with no other copies once the discarded copies are removed.

Remove Lost Copies

Textbook Tracker

Removes selected copies that have been declared lost (checked out to System Patron 1)

Since copies can be lost in different ways, there are three types of lost copies you can remove:

  • Patron. Removes copies that were lost by patrons. These have associated fines and are likely to be returned later.
  • Inventory. Removes copies that were declared lost during inventory or other circumstances not involving a patron. These have no associated fines.
  • Both. Removes all lost copies, no matter how they were lost.

Since lost copies are often found and returned, we recommend waiting at least a year to remove them. Use the Copies Lost selection to ensure only those lost a year ago or longer are removed.


Run this utility to clean out old records if you're approaching your item limit.


Remove Lost Copies utility Selections tab

Copies Lost: Select copies by date range to ensure that only copies lost a long time ago are removed.


Remove Lost Copies utility Options tab

Declared Lost From: Choose which type(s) of lost copies to remove.

Remove Titles with No Copies: When checked, this option also removes remaining title records with no other copies once the lost copies are removed.

Remove Temporary Items: When checked, this option also removes temporary items that fit the rest of the Selections and Options.