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Makeover FAQs

We are thrilled to announce our Alexandria and Textbook Tracker Dream Makeover! Yep, that's right. We're giving the programs a new look while adding various improvements, such as responsive design and exciting features. Learn more about it!

titleWhat's changing?

The Makeover includes brand new interfaces for Circulation, Patrons Management, Items Management, Tools, Operations, Message Center, and Preferences. It introduces Builder, your hub for customizing Researcher for your patrons, as well as Dashboard, a collection of widgets that show information about your library and let you jump to the functions you use most. You’ll also see a consistent top bar and side navigation that allow you to navigate the program and access critical functions from anywhere. Eventually the entire program will be updated.

To read about more specific changes, check out the Changes tab. You can also look at the Overview tab for information on the Top 5 Features and Changes You Need to Know.

titleWhy is it changing?

With Version 7, which was released in 2014, we made the first big step to a modern, web-based product. But the computer world advances fast! With the Dream Makeover, we definitely want to improve how it looks and feels, but we are also updating the code to follow modern standards and be more usable on tablets and phones. This is a switch we slowly started with your Researcher interfaces back in 2015 with the release of Slideshow. And after addressing Scout, Patron Status, and Self-Service, we realized we needed to start updating Librarian interfaces as well.

titleWhen is it happening?

Betas for these interfaces have been released. This means you can switch between using the new interfaces and the old interfaces in your own Alexandria library. This will be a great time to give it a try and take a look at all of the cool new features!

See the Timeline section on the Overview tab for more information.

titleWhat new features do I get?

Check out the Changes tab for a comprehensive list of what's changed and what's new in each module. You can also look at our Top 5 Features on the Overview tab to see what we're most excited about.

titleIn the makeover, why is the Copy ID field going away?

Copy IDs are not unique or searchable, and there is not a report that you can run which shows Copy IDs. Copy IDs have become irrelevant, and we encourage using barcodes instead. 

*However we have decided to retain copy id, now called Copy Tag, to allow you to individually mark a copy. 

titleDo I lose any functionality?

Overall, you won't! We are, however, removing some unused options and moving some things around. Check out the Changes tab to see specifics. One thing you may want to be aware of is that there will no longer be a button linking to Researcher from the Librarian side navigation. If you use this often, a quick fix is simply bookmarking Researcher on your internet browser.

Feel free to contact Support at 1-800-347-4942 or if you feel like something is missing.

titleWill it cost more?

Nope! This upgrade is included in your Alexandria subscription, as long as you are current. Still on v6? Learn about switching to 7! This is also a good time to consider switching to Cloud Hosting if you don't already have it.

titleIs the new interface easy to learn for non-tech people?

We think so! With the addition of new in-app tutorials, What’s New highlights, and rollover help text information, we think learning the new interface will be a breeze. And, you’ll have videos and our 247/365 Support available to help you along the way. 

titleCan I get any training?

Yep! If you missed the webinar, you can watch it now, and see all the videos on our YouTube channel. We will also be hosting a free Q&A webinar. You can also purchase additional training by contacting our sales team at 1-800-347-6439 or

titleCan the beta version be used for work in our collection?

Yes they can! From the old Circulation, Items, or Patrons, click on the purple warning icon on the top right. This will open the beta for you to work in. If you find any issues, please send them to

titleWhere can I access reports?

Reports are accessed from Operations. 

titleCan I forgive only a portion of a charge in the new interface?

You can! The checkbox makes it easy to forgive an entire charge all at once, but you can easily forgive only part of the charge by unchecking “Forgive Remaining Balance,” and select “Forgive as a Payment Option” method. Enter how much of the charge you’d like to forgive, and click Process.

titleIs there a shortcut list somewhere handy?

Yes! Our printable System Hotkeys Reference is in our Support Center Getting Started Resources, and has been updated. Also, you can find ALL shortcuts on the Hotkeys page. These have been updated.

titleIn Charges, if a Patron has multiple charges, can I pay them all at once and print a single receipt?

You can pay multiple charges at once, but they will have separate receipts. 

titleIs there a way to change the copy status from Items Management?

No. You will need to us the System Patrons in Circulation to change copy status. 

titleCan I search for items added on a specific date?

Yes, you can specify the date added in the Advanced Search> More.

titleHow do you add Title cover art?

With the image saved to your computer, you can either drag and drop the image into the cover art space, or use the + icon and choose a file from your device. 

titleHow do you clear the current Patron?

From Circulation, use the X command to clear the current Patron and Item panes. More information can be found HERE.

titleAre any changes being made to Researcher?

Not at this time. If there are ideas you want us to implement into researcher, please submit them here:

titleAre the reports changing?

No. Over the last several months, we have been working on improving and consolidating the reports–but any of those changes are outlined in the release notes. The functionality of the reports will not change in the makeover.

titleWill Patrons be able to be added from our Student Information System?

You can add patrons from your SIS by running a  Patron Import or with our SIS Integration.

titleWhere do the Advanced Bookings reports go?

You can access Advanced Bookings from Circulation. Any reports you run can then be accessed in Operations. 

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Beginning-of-Year FAQs

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End-of-Year FAQs

titleHow can I modify my Grade Table?

Please learn more about modifying your Grade Table here.

titleWhere can I learn about inventory and weeding?

Watch our Inventory Workshop.

titleAre there more training workshops that I can view?

Check out our YouTube channel!

titleWhere can I get more information on the End-of-Year procedures?

Visit our Support Center.

titleWhere can I get more information on the Alexandria Best Practices for Patrons?

Oh man! We have a great workshop for you.

titleOver the summer our IT department wants to add or re-add the Chromebooks and iPads to our catalog. What are the recommended methods of doing this correctly?

 If you have used Alexandria or Textbook Tracker to catalog non-book items such as laptops, chargers and other technology it is a good idea to use a specific item policy or policies to manage them. In most cases you will want a title record for something like a Chromebook to include all of the copies instead of 1/1 with titles/copies. If you are using an import file, you will need to create a title record with an ISBN first so the import setting “Title update matching” works for title and ISBN/LCCN. Read HERE about how to catalog equipment in Alexandria. If you have any questions please call Customer Support at 1-800-347-4942 to get help with importing files.

titleHow do I prepare the patron records for the next year? I need to remove the students who graduated.

You should consider advancing patron grades even if you update the students each year with an import file. Advancing your last grade to “Graduated” will allow you to remove students who have moved on to bright futures. Don’t worry, you will be able to keep records for any who have outstanding material or account balances. Read about End-of -Year procedures HERE and call Customer Support at 1-800-347-4942 if you need help with your Patron Grade Table or running utilities.

titleAre there any recommended best practices to manage items now that the school is closed? I may still have loaned items that were not returned and would also like to clean up lost and discarded copies.

Of course you want to run reports on loaned or overdue items, and before you close the library for the summer you should consider cleaning out any lost and discarded copies. Run reports for lost and discarded material first before using utilities to remove them. One great feature of the Remove Lost/Discarded Copies utilities is that you can control which copies specifically to remove. This means you can retain copies from a specific date range, and choose between material that is lost or discarded from inventory, weeding or patrons. Read about best practices for lost and discarded copies HERE and as always, contact Customer Support if you have any questions or need assistance.

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Patrons FAQs

titleCan Alexandria assign barcodes to imported patrons?

Yes, if a barcode is not included within the import file, Alexandria will automatically assign a barcode to those patrons.

titleCan I choose the next patron barcode Alexandria will assign?

You can! First, navigate to Tools > Preferences > PatronsPatron Defaults tab. In the Barcode Settings section, specify the beginning number for auto-assigned barcodes – choose a number that doesn't conflict with your item barcodes and has enough room to continue sequentially for all future patrons. Learn more in Patron Defaults.

titleHow do I add a new librarian/admin account?

An admin account is simply a patron account with a different security group set (like District Administrator). New librarians should set their security group accordingly, usually as high as they are allowed to select.

titleWhy isn't my zipped or compressed file importing patron pictures?

Usually, this means the file is larger than 50mb. You need to separate the file into smaller sizes in order to import them.

titleWhen a date is entered to the Advance After field in Grade Table preferences, will grades advance automatically after that date?

This is generally used when importing patrons with SIF. Entering a date will not automatically advance the Patron Grades. Learn more about Grade Table preferences.

titleHow do I forgive charges?

To forgive a charge for an individual patron, use Circulation.

  1.  Make the patron current and go to the Charges tab. 
  2. Select the charge (or by holding <shift> or <command> you can select more than one). 
  3. Click Make Payment. (Or Forgive Charge.)
  4. Click the box to Forgive remaining balance, and click Process. 

To forgive charges in batches, use the Forgive Charges utility. 

  1. Go to Operations > Utilities > Patrons > Forgive Charges.
  2. Use the Selections tab to choose who you are forgiving the charges for.
  3. Use the Options tab for what type of charges to forgive, or in a specific date range. 
  4. Click Run.
titleWhat's the best way to automate my patron overdue or hold notices?

How do you want notice to be sent? If you'd like the program to do most of the work for you, try Automatic Email Notifications. Go to Preferences > Circulation.  In the Circulation Settings tab, click the Enable automatic email notifications checkbox. This feature automatically sends email notices to the patron's email address for in-stock holds, overdue fees, and a number of other things. Read more about it in Circulation Settings.

For those of you who want greater control over your notices – such as when they go out and to whom – use scheduled notice reports.  For example, you could set up an Overdue Items and Unpaid Charges Notice report for each grade or homeroom and schedule it to email the teacher every month so they can help remind students. 

1. Go to Operations > Reports, and choose the Circulation category and Notices subcategory.
2. Test out a few of the reports to see which ones work best for your situation. When you’ve found one, click Create Saved Report at the bottom right.

3. Next, go to the Saved tab, select the report, and unlock it for editing.

4. Build your report in the Selections and Options tabs.
4. In the Schedule tab, schedule the report to run at a specific frequency and time.

5. In the Notification tab, enable email notifications and specify to whom the notices will be sent. Separate email addresses with a comma.

And if you find it meets your needs, you can even use both methods at the same time!

titleWhere can I find the Patron Count, and how many Patrons/Items am I licensed for?

To find your license and system information, go to your Circulation page, then select Special. In its sub-tabs you will find information like the Status Info, System Info, and License Info, which includes your Patron Count and details about your license.

In the Makeover, go to the help menu in the topnav and click About Alexandria. This will show you your patron/item count and how many you have left in your license.

titleHow do I update Patron records with a file on my computer?
  1. First, make sure the file is tab-delimited (not a csv file). 
  2. Make sure you have a way to match the patron information with the info in the file, such as barcode, RSN (Record Sequence Number), GUID (Gobally Unique Identifier), Government ID (SSN), Community ID (Student #), or Primary Email, First Name, and Last Name (all 3). 
  3. See Patron Imports Best Practices for more information.
titleHow do security groups limit access?

Each level has the access of all the groups below them, but does not have access to any security groups on the same level or above them. See Security Preferences for additional information.

titleHow do I remove old Homerooms from my Homeroom list?

Once there are no patrons listed in a homeroom anymore, the homeroom is removed. So, updating the homerooms manually, via import, or through authority control will remove any homerooms with no patrons. Contact Support for additional assistance.

titleHow do I import patron pictures?

Go to Imports and select Images > Choose File. Choose a ZIP file containing the images to be imported. If the file is larger than 50 MB, schedule an FTP import in the Saved tab. For best results, images should be approximately 186 x 240 pixels in size and either .jpg or .png format.

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Items FAQs

titleWhere is the genre information located within Alexandria?

Genre information is pulled from the 655_a MARC tag. You can view and modify the data in the Items module using the Items Editor or MARC View Editor.

titleCan I enter more than one 655_a genre field to my Item records?

Yes! Add as many genre fields as you need for your patrons to find the item in Search. Keep in mind that only one genre will be displayed in the Items module, but you can click on the pencil icon to open the Genre Editor and view the rest.

titleHow do I get genre information into my item records?

The easiest way is to ask your vendors to include genre information in the 655_a field of the MARC record, so it's added upon import. You can also add it by editing your records manually or by using the MARC editing tools, such as certain Utilities or Authority Control.

titleWhen running a utility, how can I make sure that only the items or patrons I want affected are removed?

We recommend running a report, first! The Copy Information Report and Patrons Information Report can show you exactly which items and patrons will be affected–just make sure the selections in the report match the selections in the desired utility. When in doubt, reach out to our support team at

titleWhy does it say my Import file is not the correct file type, even though they are .mrc?

Usually this means the wrong import type is selected on the left. Make sure you have Items selected, and the import should run correctly.

titleWhen are RDA mediums (text-unmediated-volume) and how do I make them understandable in Researcher?

Resources Description & Access (RDA) is a newer standard in which mediums are stored in the 336, 337, and 338 fields and have three components separated by dashes, such as text-unmediated-volume (this one is equivalent to book). Since this medium format is a little harder for patrons to understand, you can add aliases (i.e. alternative names) that will show in Researcher instead. 

titleHow do I remove items that I have discarded, and do they count in my system?

a. To remove Items that you have discarded, you can run the Remove Discarded Copies utility. We recommend running the Discarded Copies report first, to get a list of which items will be removed. 

b. Discarded Items in your database do count in your system counts, as they are still in your database. This is also true for lost items. They are in a pending status until they are removed. 

titleWhere should my series information be located?

Whether adding series information manually or automatically via an Import or Utility, make sure the series is being cataloged in the 830 MARC field so the item displays and sorts correctly in Search.

title I have more than one title record of some books–can I combine records?

Yes! To clean up duplicate records, run a Title Information report, and set the sorting in Options to “Title.” Then navigate to Items Management, and look up the titles. Decide which record you want to keep, then unlock the record. Using the Actions menu, select “Move copies to title” and enter the copy barcodes. You can also select the checkbox to delete the duplicate title record after the copies are transferred. Make sure to save changes! 

titleWhy can't I find the item I'm looking for with Title Assistant?

Title Assistant uses Z39.50 servers to search for items, so you may need to add more. Check out the z39.50 Preferences page for a list of resources you can use to bolster your Z39.50 list in Alexandria. You'll also find instructions on adding servers, creating sets, and more.

titleWhy are copies being randomly added that can't be selected or modified?

If you have overlapping call numbers in Maps, Alexandria will display a duplicate title or a duplicate copy. If the copies can be modified but were not intentionally added, this may be from an import running too many times and adding a new copy each time.

titleHow can I see how many Items and Patrons are in each site within a Centralized Catalog?

Go to Tools>Sites, and click on the gear icon and select Site Record Counts.

titleHow are lost or discarded items handled in Alexandria?

Lost and discarded items are checked out to System Patrons 1(lost) and 2(discarded).  Read about Lost Items here for more information.

titleHow can I import items into Alexandria?

Go to Tools>Import (or in the Makeover Operations > Import) and select the category of what you are importing. Upload the file from your computer, and make sure to configure the field map. Note: Marc records don’t need to be field mapped. See Import for more information.

titleHow can I easily change the copy location or copy shelving?

The easiest way is by using the Set All Copy Locations or CH command in Circulation. This is much quicker than going into each item to change copy locations. Make sure to clear the command line when you’re done!  You can also run the Copies Information Report to help view and sort your items.

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Researcher FAQs

titleHow do I create a map to use in Alexandria?

You can create a map using any type of image creation software, like Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint, etc. You can also take pictures of where the shelf is situated in the library, or hold an art contest with your students to create distinctive markers for each shelf. You can also use text to describe the location for the visually impaired. This article from Classroom Architect might help.

titleCan I have different maps for different rooms?

Absolutely! You can have as many maps as you need to accurately show your item locations. Though you may need to get creative with your call numbers if you're running the same call-numbered materials in different locations (i.e. 100S - 300S for a storage location and 100 - 300 for shelved items).

titleCan I have more than on Slideshow?

While you can only have one Slideshow active from the primary /slideshow location, you can always show additional Slideshows by creating Explore buttons that link to a Slideshow URL.

titleHow do I create a Bulletin Board?

Bulletin Boards and their bulletins are created from Tools > Bulletins in Alexandria. Select a board on the left, or go to the Actions menu to add a new one. Then click the plus icon to create a bulletin for the board you've selected. 

titleHow do I organize my bulletins?

For the bulletin you want to display first, check Show Bulletin at the Top of the Board on the bulletin – but you can only choose one; all other bulletins are stacked according to content and bulletin size. However, Alexandria does try to keep everything in a roughly boxed-out shape to utilize the displayable area.

titleWhat all can I show on my Bulletin Boards?

Bulletin content is entirely up to you. Use them to showcase things happening at your school or facility, let your patrons know about upcoming releases or seasonal items; you can even give specific individuals the ability to manage and create bulletins for specialty groups and organizations. Read about Bulletins for more ideas.

titleDo all users have access to Patron Status and the ability to make holds and reservations?

Yes, any person added to your system will be given access to Patron Status and other patron-facing portions of Alexandria.

titleCan I control what information a patron can change when they're logged in to a Patron Status?

Yes, with your Security Group preferences you have the ability to control how much information (if any) that your patrons can edit.

titleCan I share search results and information from Alexandria?

Yes! After you've performed a search, you can share the entire list of results or information for individual item information. You can also create a custom search list and share that with anyone you like.

titleWhat is the difference between a Public and Private list?
  • A public list can be shared and viewed by anyone that you've sent the link to.
  • A private list is viewable only to the patron who created it, when they're logged in.
titleHow can I make changes and updates to my Explore search buttons?

That's all done through Explore Builder, which we'll be going over in a future workshop. 

titleHow can I change a Researcher pane?

To select a new pane, go to Preferences>Researcher, and click on Select New Pane, select the desired pane, and click OK. If you want to change the pane itself, go to Tools>Explore Builder, and make the changes to the appropriate Explore Pane.

titleHow can I see and write reviews on Items?

First, go to the top right corner of the window and log in to your account. Next, search for and select an item, then click on the rating stars in the center of the window to view the reviews.

titleWhat is the difference between Search and Scout?
  • Scout is more for a younger or less experienced audience, that is limited to only allowing you to view information and place holds.
  • Search has more advanced features for refining and showing additional results beyond your initial query. 
titleCan I hide in processing copies in Researcher?

Yep! You can set copies to in processing (i.e. checked out to the In Processing system patron #7) if they're in your library but aren't ready to be placed on shelves yet. They will automatically be marked as unavailable in Researcher, but you can hide them if you'd like. In Researcher Preferences, check the In Processing box on the Auto-Hide tab.

titleIs there a limit to how many reservations can be placed on an item at once?

As long as there are no conflicting dates between the reservations, there is no limit to how many reservations an item can have!

titleHow far in advance can reservations be placed on items?

Patrons can place a reservation up to 90 days in advance.

titleCan patrons reserve an item that is currently checked out?

Yes! As long as the reservation is placed for a date that the item will be available, such as after the due date of the current check out period, then there is no issue with placing reservations for items currently checked out.

titleWhen a book has a reservation, can other patrons still check it out?

Yes and no, depending on the situation. If a patron tries to check out an item but their transaction period interferes with the reservation, then they will not be able to check the item out. However, if the transaction does not collide with the reservation, then they can still check out the item. Check out our articles on the Reservations tab in Librarian and placing a reservation through Search for more information. 

titleWhat is the difference between a hold and a reservation?

Holds are placed on either a title or copy record when a patron would like to check it out as soon as it is available. However, a reservation is placed on an item for a specific date range. 

titleWhat is the difference between on-shelf holds and in-stock holds?

Generally, you will see On-Shelf Holds on items that were “Available” when the hold was placed, meaning it should be on the shelf. Once you've pulled the On-Shelf Holds from the shelves, bookdrop them to change their status to In-Stock. Then place them in the holds area of your library for patrons to check out. For more information on the two, see our "In-Stock vs On-Shelf—New holds procedures" Tip of the Week.

titleWhen using Scout, is there a way to automatically show all items that are checked out?

There sure is! You can choose to automatically show or hide checked out items in the results list by using Scout Preferences. From your Circulation screen, go to Tools > Preferences > Researcher > Scout. Then go to the Results List tab. In the Default Visibility section, check whether you want to hide or show unavailable items.

titleIs it required that patrons log in to write reviews?

Patrons do need to sign in to the Researcher to write a review. The default Alexandria login information is Username = Barcode and Password = Last name. See our step-by-step instructions on writing reviews and accepting or rejecting reviews.

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Inventory FAQs

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Reports FAQs

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title I need to import a MARC file from a vendor. How should I set the default settings?

When importing files from a vendor, the correct default settings will already be set, and you can simply select “Run.” If you have a custom import or specific needs when updating your titles or copies, we recommend calling Customer Support for assistance.

titleWhere do I find the results of a utility or import after it’s finished?

Go to Operations Management by clicking on the tool icon at the top, and click on the blue “i” icon.

titleHow do I import patrons or items through FTP?

You'll need to create a saved import. Go to the import you want and click Create Saved Import at the bottom of the window. Then you'll need to enter a name and fill out the Settings tab with your preferences. Lastly, go to the File Source tab and select FTP or FTPS from the Protocol dropdown. Enter your FTP/FTPS server's information. (If you don't have your own server, COMPanion offers secure and private folders on our FTP server!) Want to check if it works? Click Test FTP Connection. From there, you can run the import whenever necessary.


We recommend using FTP imports for larger files like patron pictures and BestMARC imports.

titleHow do I get a file to import my patrons?

Start by exporting the necessary data from your student information system (SIS) in a tab-delimited text format. This file can be imported into Alexandria Librarian to add new patron records and update any existing patron records simultaneously.