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August 8, 2022

Do your senior students end the school year early? You can set a custom calendar now to make their end-of-year due date earlier. That's one less thing to worry about when school is wrapping up!

Create the Calendar

  1. Open Preferences and select Calendars in the Management category. (In the Makeover this is in Tools > Calendars.)
  2. Select your Standard Calendar. 
  3. Click the Actions button, and select Duplicate
  4. Change the name (e.g. Seniors).
  5. Adjust the Period Due Date on the new calendar.
  6. Click Save.

Apply the Calendar

  1. Click on Show All in the upper-left corner of the Preferences window and select Policies in the Management category. 
  2. Make a Patron Policy for Seniors.
  3. Set the Use Calendar option to the Seniors calendar and Save.
  4. Go to Tools > Utilities
  5. Run the Change Patron Policy utility to pull all 12th graders onto the Seniors policy.

Now you won't need to worry that you might miss using an Override Date to make sure the books get returned on time–Alexandria will do it for you! 

As always, you can reach out to our amazing Support team for help! Email, or call 1-800-347-4942. 

The Makeover betas are here! Look in Circulation, Items, and Patrons for a purple alert button  at the top of your screen. That will take you to the Makeover beta in our demo where you can play around recklessly.

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