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Tip for April 1, 2019

Nope, it's not an April Fool's tip!

During last month's Item Management Workshop, we took an in-depth look at the Item record fields and the tools to best manage them. Now, our Trainers want to give you some additional resources to show off your cataloging work.

Genre Explore Pane

Search Strings

Did you know you can use a search string with any Explore button? For example, you can use a search string to create buttons that perform searches across both the old 650_v Genre and the new 655_a Genre fields.

In Explore Builder, set the Action to Perform Search, then enter a search string. In the example below, replace Historical Fiction with the genre of your choice, then duplicate this string for as many genre-type searches as you need!

((genre::Historical Fiction)||(smart::Historical Fiction))

While you're at it, download our Improved Genre Buttons.txt and then update your Genre pane in Explore Builder. Go to the bottom of the Explore Pane list on the left, open the Actions menu, and choose Import Pane. Locate the file on your computer, then click OK.

Explore Builder

New to Explore Builder? Learn all about it in this workshop video!

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